Washburn police calls down by 2, fire up 14

The Washburn Police Department and Fire Protection District recently reviewed 911 calls through 2021, with the police taking just a couple less than the prior year.

The Washburn Police Department received 20 total 911 calls in 2021, two less than the 2020 call volume.

When the Washburn police officers are not on duty, the Barry County Sheriff’s Office responds to calls in Washburn.

Terry Meek, Washburn police chief, said he and Randy Kalbaugh make up the Washburn Police Department.

“When we know there is a problem area we know to watch it,” Meek said. “Especially when we know of drug activity. I would like to tell people to report any kind of activity they see. You can call the City Hall to leave a message for us, and if it is an emergency call 911.”

Meek said in 2022 the department will be looking into budget systems for a new radio for the patrol car.

In 2021, the Washburn Police Department received 20 911 calls, 2 disturbance/nuisance, 9 traffic stops, 1 trespassing/unwanted, and 1 missing person/runaway/found person.

In comparison, in 2020 the Washburn Police Department received 22 calls, 6 traffic stops, 5 domestic disturbance/violence, 1 burglary/home invasion, 1 theft, and 1 suspicious (person, circumstance, vehicle).

The Washburn Fire Protection District received 299 total 911 calls in 2021, and increase of 14 from 2020.

Danny Dalton, Washburn fire chief, said based on calls from Jan. 1, 2022, to present, the District may have more calls than last year again.

“Last year, [in 2021], we had several COVID related calls, but now they have decreased in numbers,” he said. “We have had more people join the department recently and ordered new bunker gear.

“We have also ordered new fire hose for our engines.”

Dalton said the department continues to have training for fire and keep first responders up to date with CPR and other medical information.

“We will continue to have training with neighboring departments so that we are familiar with each other when we have mutual aide calls,” he said. “On a structure fire we had on April 30, [2022], we were assisted by Seligman, Exeter and Cassville fire departments.

“Being an all-volunteer department, we depend on our neighbor districts for help and also help them. We all have auto mutual aide agreements with each other for structure fires.”

Dalton said this saves time by having help on the way.

“We can always cancel if we discover we don’t need them when we get on scene,” Dalton said. “In the past, most waited until they were on scene to ask for aide and by then it could be too late. It is better to have them on the way.

In 2021, the Washburn Fire Protection District received 299 calls, including 6 vehicle fires, 16 vegetation/grassland/brush, 42 traffic/transportation incident (crash), 22 structure fires, 3 outside fires, 123 medical calls, 2 electrical hazards, and 12 landing zone calls.

In 2020, it received 285 total 911 calls, including 2 vehicle fires, 12 vegetation/grassland/brush, 28 traffic/transportation incident (crash), 27 structure fires, 1 sinking vehicle in floodwater, 4 outside fires, 6 landing zone, and 145 medical calls.


What: 2021 911 calls

More: Police Department, Fire Protection District

Also: 911 call volume stayed consistent