Through the years, July 13

50 years ago

July 19, 1972

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henbest, of Cassville, observed their 25th wedding anniversary last Sunday with an open house at their home. Margaret Culver and Paul Henbest were married July 11, 1947, by the late Rev. C.F. Siler. The couple have been associated with the Culver Funeral Home all their married life. The couple have two daughters, Paula Kay and Loretta, both of Cassville.

The Washburn Softball Women’s Tournament was won by the Washburn team coached by Becky Henningson. The players included: Sharon Appleton, Jackie Burns, Diane Tisher, Molly Roller, India Norman, Bobbi Rose, Barbara Randall, Debby Hawk, Belisa Fare and Cheryl Appleton.

Two Barry County kids were pleased to have won a new bicycle at the recent reunion/carnival in Cassville. The girl’s bike was awarded to Jennifer Roden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roden, and Terry Marshall was given the boy’s bike. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Marshall. This event was sponsored by the American Legion and Razorback Amusement.

40 years ago

July 14 1982

The Cassville Lions Club installed a new slate of officers Thursday night. Phillip Cole assumed the presidency from Gene Taggart. Other officers elected were as follows: Bill Ash, first vice president; Leo Knaust, treasurer; George Antle, tail twister; Landon Fletcher, secretary; Lester Purdom, lion tamer; and directors, Clyde Hoover, Donald Jogerst; Maurice Goldin and Byron Tucker.

Gary Youngblood, of Cassville, manager of the MFA bulk fertilizer plant at Exeter is being transferred to the Wheaton plant. The company is closing the Exeter facility effective Aug. 15.

Seven FFA officers from Cassville took two of the four awards in the area leadership conference held last week. The group included Valerie Nickle, Marc Edmondson, Brent Herrin, Mark Hudson, Rick Dodson, Jeff Holder and Tina Barnes. According to their advisor Gene Courdin, there were over 100 officers at the conference, which was held in Mt. Vernon.

30 years ago

July 8, 1992

For the second time in as many weeks, Cassville will be losing a ranking bank official. Steve Burch, chief executive officer of Boatmen’s National Bank announced on Tuesday that he would be leaving at the end of August to accept a promotion with Boatmen’s in Rolla. Stan Kelley, vice president with Boatmen’s will now become the CEO at Cassville.

Gretchen Couch, Cassville, has completed training at the Missouri Auction School in Kansas City. Col. Couch is a student at the University of Missouri, Columbia. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Couch, of Cassville.

Dennis Baker, a native of Ellington, has joined the banking staff at Commerce as an assistant vice president. He was previously with the Bank of Houston, Mo.