Through the Years, Aug. 3

50 years ago

Aug. 9, 1972

The Bank of Exeter has installed a time and temperature sign, which is attached to the bank’s building front above the entrance. Bank president, Sheldon Dudley said it was all part of the recent remodeling project to the entire interior.

Charley Brattin, an employee of the Wheaton Post Office for the past eight years, has transferred to the Cassville Post Office. He will assume a clerk-carrier position, according to Postmaster Gene Ledgerwood.

The Cassville graduating class of 1952 will be holding its 20-year reunion Aug. 18. The local grads in charge of making the arrangements are: James Stephens, Marcia Hutchens, Rowena Hutchens, Delphenia Padgett and Lynn Smith. The Friday night dinner will be held at Crowe’s Dinner House and the Saturday breakfast will be at Paul’s Cafe, and there will be an evening banquet at the school cafeteria.

Roy B. Brown of Wheaton has been appointed to the Farmers Home Administration in Barry County, according to Marvin Phipps, county supervisor. Brown replaces Jeff Rose, of Washburn.

40 years ago

Aug. 4 1982

Barry County Clerk Howard Bounous made the announcement Wednesday morning that the race for the state legislature was an apparent tie between Nolan McNeill and Pat Tennison, which will result in a special election being called by the state, according to Secretary of State James Kirkpatrick.

One of Cassville’s oldest motels, Seven Valley Courts, changed hands this week when owners, Mr. and Mrs. Tex Williamson announced the sale to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hicks.

To help producers control erosion, the Barry County ASC Committee has increased the SL-1 practice, establishing permanent vegetative cover to approximately 60 percent cost-share, according to Red Edens, chairman of the local ASC office.

30 years ago

July 29, 1992

The Old Soldiers’ and Settlers’ Reunion is scheduled to begin in Cassville next week, with the midway provided by Razorback Amusement of Crossett, Ark.

Thunderstorms rolled through the area Sunday afternoon dropping up to four inches of rainfall resulting in several places being flooded.

CHS football coach Joel Wells was elated with the turnout for his football camp for the coming season. He had 39 junior high prospects and 59 senior high.

Pete Landstad, superintendent at Roaring River State Park, has been named president of the newly formed Missouri Association of State Park Association of Resource Administrators.