Zanin Martino spent his seventh birthday at the Shakin’ in the Shell event in Shell Knob own Saturday, zipping around like a real racecar driver. Jordan Troutman/
Zanin Martino spent his seventh birthday at the Shakin’ in the Shell event in Shell Knob own Saturday, zipping around like a real racecar driver.
Valentine Cowherd, right, 10, played on a slip n’ slide at the Shakin’ in the Shell event in Shell Knob on Saturday. Jordan Troutman/ jtroutman@ cherryroad. comTalia Vinitisky, played with her daughters Rebecca Vinitisky, 2, and Amelia Mae Vinitisky, 4, at the Shakin’ in the Shell event in Shell Knob on Saturday. Jordan Troutman/ jtroutman@cherryroad. comMany vintage cars were entered into the Shakin’ in the Shell Car Show on Saturday. Jordan Troutman/jtroutman@cherryroad.comKolton Magula Richardson, 6, dunks his mother, Katie Magula in the dunk tank at the Shakin’ in the Shell event in Shell Knob on Saturday. Jordan Troutman/ jtroutman@ cherryroad. comFor entertainment at the Shakin’ in the Shell event in Shell Knob over the weekend, Melvin the Clown brought smiles to all the children faces. Jordan Troutman/jtrout-man@