Max Nichols, 12, of Cassville, wore his ghostliest of sheets on Saturday at the Mill Street Church of Christ’s trunk or treat. With Nichols was his grandmother, Cathy Nunley. Kyle Troutman/
Max Nichols, 12, of Cassville, wore his ghostliest of sheets on Saturday at the Mill Street Church of Christ’s trunk or treat.
Ashley Holtzman brought her daughters, Hayden Holtzman, 8, and Harlyn Holtzman, 3, all of Cassville, to the Mill Street Church of Christ’s trunk or treat on Saturday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cherryroad.comIris Lopez, 3, of Cassville, dressed as a fairy, accepts a piece of candy from a volunteer at the Mill Street Church of Christ trunk or treat on Saturday. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@ cherryroad. com