Barry County Commissioner Steve Blankenship, left, was sworn in on Dec. 27 by County Clerk Joyce Ennis. Kyle Troutman/
County officials elected in November 2022 took their oaths of office at the Barry County courthouse on Dec. 27.
County officials elected in November 2022 took their oaths of office at the Barry County courthouse on Dec. 27. From left: Johnnie Cox, associate circuit court judge; Craig Williams, circuit clerk; Robert Foulke, associate circuit court judge; Amy Boxx, prosecutor; Greta Tripp, treasurer; and Skyler Bowman, collector. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comBarry County Clerk Joyce Ennis, left, recited her oath of office on Dec. 27, delivered by Judge Robert Foulke. Kyle Troutman/