Celebrate recovery – Where are they now?

John Richardson first told his story of recovery to the Cassville Democrat readers, 2 years ago, on January 27, 2021.

Richardson’s Celebrate Recovery testimony was the first part of a 12-part series published in the Cassville Democrat, one step of the 12-step program for each month of the year.

In his recovery testimony, Richardson said when he was in his drug and alcohol addiction, he was broken and he needed help.

Richardson was the first person to move into the Men’s Recovery Home in Cassville 10 years ago. From there, he began to manage that same recovery home and has helped hundreds of people who have come through those doors.

The first step was to admit that he was powerless over his addictions.

“Every day is still a challenge,” Richardson said. “The world changes faster than my mind does.”

He said he is involved in many situations to stay busy, because staying busy helps to ease his mind.

“I still occupy my mind with work activities,” he said. “My mind hasn’t adjusted to a sober way of living. I still have the addict thought pattern.”

Richardson said his relationships with his grandsons have become great, but it is still a process because he is still learning, which is hard work.

“I have made more amends with people from my addict years,” he said. “I have learned to be around people who still use and to be OK with my sobriety.”

Richardson is still involved with the Men’s Recovery Home, which is where he said he has learned to calm down and listen, rather than holler.

“I have also learned to ask for help and advice when I need it,” he said. “Every day I am learning social skills which I should have been taught, or learned, when I was a young boy. I think sometimes it comes from a lack of confidence in myself.

“I am turning 58 this month and I have lived three-fourths of my life in addiction. With this last fourth being sober, I still have a lot of catching up to do.”

Two years ago, Richardson told his story of being broken and needing help, but today he sees it all from a different perspective.

“My biggest pleasure is helping others in need, and those who are still struggling,” he said.

Note: Updates on those featured in the 2020 Celebrate Recovery series will be printed each month this year on the last week of the month.