Kyle Troutman: Off the spike

Some weeks, it’s tough to pick just one topic for this column, so I’m taking a page out of Bob Mitchell’s book and clearing my proverbial spike.

Theft at playground construction

With little in the way of events for photographs last week, I found myself on the hunt Monday for a picture worthy of our front page, above-the-fold spot. As I drive my daughter to school every morning, I have seen more and more playground equipment laying outside the primary school, so I thought it might make a good opportunity.


I called to make sure crews were on site and was assured they were. With plenty of design work ahead of me, I rushed out to the playground to get my shot and get back to the office.

I spent a little more time out than I thought. When I arrived, I was greeted by three Miracle Playsystems employees getting the day started. I asked if I could get some photos, and they approved. I milled around waiting for a proper photo, and one of the men approached me.

“I’ve got a story for you if you’re interested,” he said. “Someone stole our Bobcat that was parked right over there (he gestured toward the side of the playground closest to the football field). You think that would make a story?”

Unfortunately, thefts like this are stories, and frequent ones lately it seems. This act may have been the most brazen of all, though. The burglars cut the chain link fence and tracks remained where the Bobcat made its exit.

According to one of the men, it was a $30,000 to $40,000 piece of equipment. I’m hopeful authorities can get it back.

I put out feelers for a quick article on Monday, but could not connect with law enforcement to get a story out this week. More will likely come on this incident later.

Snow on the way

It’s nearing midnight on Monday as I write this at the Troutman house. I typically would have turned in by now, but the threat of 6-10 inches of snow is forcing my hand.

Aiming to keep those who deliver the paper safe, I am sending out pages more than 12 hours early — a lifetime in the design world.

As tiring as it is today, the prospect of a good, wet snow sounds like a good time. We picked up a few inches earlier this year, but coinciding negative temperatures made the fluff as unfluffy as ever, not to mention it was simply too cold to enjoy.

This week, with the paper put to bed quite early, I’m looking forward to getting ahead enough to take the girls to the hill behind the high school. It will be the baby’s first change to sled, and I’m cautiously gauging how far up the hill my wife will let me take her.

The kid has no fear, so maybe we’ll start slow and work our way up.

Aside from the family fun, the hill is typically a great photo opportunity in the snow. Come join the fun, and you might just end up in the paper!

The return of guest columns

In all the busy of starting our business, guest columns on the commentary page have fallen behind.

Our first three months of guest columns were stellar, and I can’t wait to get more of our local contributors in print.

A couple of our writers declined to continue, but undaunted, I have managed to wrangle in a few more.

Joining the rotation will be Janet Mills, director of Cassville Pantry; Gerry Mann, the new Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce board president; and Cheryl Williams, Cassville Branch Library supervisor.

I’m hoping these three, plus five others continuing to contribute, will give you readers more insight into our community in their own words and in their own entertaining way. I know they have informed and entertained me.

Keeping the Mitchells in our thoughts

Over this month, we’ve had a handful of calls and comments on the absence of Bob Mitchell’s weekly column. Some have even accused us of firing him.

Rest assured, that is not the case. Bob and his wife, Sue, have both been focused on managing their health, leaving him little time to pen a column.

We’ve been in contact with Bob at least once a week checking in. If you are not already, please include the Mitchells in your prayer groups and in your thoughts — they would appreciate it.

Kyle Troutman has served as the editor of the Cassville Democrat since 2014. In 2017, he was named William E. James/Missouri Outstanding Young Journalist for daily newspapers, and in 2022, he won a Golden Dozen Award from ISWINE. He may be reached at 417-847-2610 or