January 2023

Scoreboard — Jan. 18

The Cassville boys basketball team (9-6) turned in a two-win week ahead of this week’s Spokane tournament, the last before the conference slate sets in. The Wildcats won a thriller on the road on Jan.
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Humble as can V

Softball Coach Lori Videmschek is 15 wins away from the 500 mark and has won a state title with Purdy, but if you ask her the most important thing about her job, her answer won’t be how many wins she has amassed or what titles she’s won.
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Fitzpatrick highlights work as treasurer

Former Missouri State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick, now officially sworn in as the state auditor, has reflected on his accomplishments from his four years as State Treasurer. One of the youngest to hold an elected state office, Fitzpatrick was appointed to the treasurer position in 2018, following former treasurer Eric Schmitt’s appointment to attorney general due to Josh Hawley’s election to the senate.
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News briefs

A Pesticide Applicator Training will be held at Cassville High School’s Agriculture Department. The training provides certification to obtain a Missouri Private Pesticide Applicators License for agricultural producers and will also count for recertification requirements by the state.
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