It is relatively easy to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness when everything is going smoothly.
Unfortunately, life isn’t always easy. Hardship and trials come. What about God’s goodness then?

Few of us will experience trials like Joseph did in the book of Genesis. His own brothers sold him into slavery. Ripped away from home and family, he began making a life for himself as a slave in a foreign culture. Things became even worse when he was falsely accused and was thrown into prison.
Even in those dark times, God was still with Joseph and Joseph remained faithful.
After years of unjust suffering, God raised him to a position of great authority in Egypt — second only to the Pharaoh himself.
You probably know the story, how his brothers came to Joseph in desperation seeking food. Instead of taking revenge when he held absolute power over them, Joseph’s attitude was one of humility and love. In Genesis 50:19-20 this is what he said; “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (ESV)
One of the benefits of this type of faith in God is that it frees us to be gracious toward those around us. Instead of joining in the typical human mess of hurting and hurting in return, we can look past the hurt and rest in the assurance that God is going to take the broken pieces of the mess and put them together in His masterwork.
Even when Joseph had no way of knowing it, when his life had terrible hardships and pain, God was still there, faithfully working for good.
The same is true for us. We have no way of knowing the bigger picture of what God is going to accomplish in our lives, even through those darkest trials.
Don’t lose heart in those times. God is good — all the time.
Jeff Fugitt is the pastor of Cassville United Methodist Church, located at 601 Gravel Street in Cassville. He may be reached at 417-847-2328 or