Cassville receives APR score

District scores 76.9 percent is in first year of new accountability model

The Cassville school district has received its Annual Performance Review score, which officials say looks different this year with the implementation of a new accountability model.

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has an accountability model for school districts called the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP). To score districts on their performance and improvement, DESE provides data through the Annual Performance Report (APR). Additionally, the Cassville school district monitors and evaluates district data on a daily basis.

Performance is divided into five categories: academic achievement status, academic achievement growth, success- ready students, graduation rate and graduate follow up. Ot of 128 possible points, Cassville scored 88.4, or 69.1 percent. While academic achievement status scored at 71.9 percent, growth and success-ready students came in at 55.3 and 50 percent, respectively.

The continuous improvement section has 52 possible points among five more categories: continuous improvement plan, climate and culture survey, LEA response to standards, other required documentation and success-ready measures. In those categories, Cassville scored 50 points, losing only 2 in success-ready measures.

Overall, that gives Cassville a score of 76.8 percent, or 138.4 points out of 180.

Changing this year with the new MSIP 6 accountability model were the scoring of achieving status and growth, also scoring them separately instead of together.

“It’s important to note that the data noted in the APR is from the spring of 2022,” said Merlyn Johnson, Cassville superintendent. “While this data has just recently been packaged and released to the public, our school district has had access to certain pieces of it since the start of this school year. Therefore, we have already implemented action steps and goals to address the needs of our students and continue to do so on a regular basis.”

Steps taken to address needs are being centralized in the Continuous School Improvement Plan, which Cassville worked on in the fall of 2022.

“The CSIP is a strategic plan which provides a framework through which the district will support the schools in ensuring the academic success and well-being of each student,” Johnson said. “CSIP goals were created to address areas of focus and improvement, many of which are also reflected in the recently released APR results.”

Johnson said within the APR results, there were things to celebrate.

“CSIP goal 1.1 focuses on student learning and state assessment scores,” he said. “As a district, English Language Arts (ELA), Math, and Science APR academic achievement status was designated as “on track” in all three core areas. CSIP goal 1.4 focuses on student graduate rate. We earned 100 percent of the available points on our APR score for graduation follow-up and four-year graduation rate.

“CSIP goals 1.3, 1.3.3, and 1.3.4 focus on the Continuous Improvement standard. The district earned 96.2 percent of APR points in this category, which was a near perfect score, as a result of finalizing an updated CSIP, completing Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) with eighth grade students, and administering the Kindergarten Entry Assessment to kindergarten students in the fall of 2022.”

While those areas are in good shape, Johnson said plenty other areas could use some work.

“The district’s ‘Success-Ready Students’ performance score has been designated as ‘approaching,’” he said. “The Success-Ready Students designation is evaluated upon College and Career Ready (CCR) Assessments which include the ACT, SAT, WorkKeys, Accuplacer and ASVAB tests. CSIP goal 1.1.8 provides a new relevant assessment, the ACT WorkKeys, for placement when joining the workforce or attending a trade school for CHS graduates. In addition to CCR scores, the Success-Ready Student performance score also evaluates the number of students who are choosing advanced placement courses such as Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment, Project Lead the Way courses, and industry recognized credential programs. CSIP goals 1.3 and 1.3.6 provides students with additional opportunities for dual credit, dual enrollment, advanced coursework, industry certification and credentials applicable to their chosen career or program.”

Attendance- wise, Cassville saw 83.4 percent of students attending at least 85 percent of the time, which is 2.5 percent above the state average, but still lacking.

“The district earned 50 percent of available points for student attendance,” Johnson said. “The district is addressing attendance concerns in the following ways. CSIP goal 1.3.1 states celebrations, recognition and incentives will be given for K-12 students who have 90 percent or above on quarterly attendance. CSIP goal 1.3.2 states parents/ guardians will receive a phone call or message when their student is absent each day.

“Students K-8 with 80 percent attendance or better participate in the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) incentive and celebration events. District counselors check-in with families of students who are frequently absent to encourage attendance and to see if the district can provide support. High school students with 94 percent or higher attendance, have not served school suspension, and have earned a minimum grade of 85 percent in their courses are exempt from end of semester finals. Perfect attendance awards are provided to students at the end of each semester.”

For more information on APR results people may visit https://apps. Visualizations. aspx?id=36.