The Cassville boys track team can run more than three deep across the track this season, with 29 total members aiming to qualify more athletes to state than in 2022.
Clay Weldy, Cassville boys track coach, said distance running and the high jump will be the Wildcats’ strongest events, but there is room throughout the program for success.

“We return our 4×800 team that went to state last season (Caleb Leach, Jacob Martinez, Charles Elliott and Peter Littlefield),” he said. ”Caleb Leach also qualified for state in the 1600-meter. Peter Littlefield was a state qualifier in high jump his sophomore year. Coach Erin Flehmer does a great job with our distance kids and I believe they will be the strength of our team this season.
“Sprinters that will make an impact are Jake Anthonysz, Ashton Wheeler, Kyle Bailey and Hernan Hernandez. They are veteran sprinters and relay guys for us that will be point contributors during the season.”
In all, Cassville returns 13 to the squad, including: Anthonysz, Bailey, Joseph Burton, Elliott, Garrett Ewing, Hernandez, Leach, Jackson Lindley, Littlefield, Martinez, Frank Osborn, Nic Sanders and Wheeler.
Newcomers number even more at 16, including: Dylan Criswell, Nic Fierro, Andon Goutney, Dustin Harris, Forsyth Hayse, Jacob Hudson, Ivan Perez, Cody Peterson, Michael Phillips, Tyler Rattigan, Corbin Rhoads, Keaton Shellenberger, Ethan Sizemore, Malcolm Terry, Jacob Walker and Kaid Williams.
Anthonyz, Elliot, Hernandez, Leach, Littlefield, Martinez, Osborn and Sanders are the senior leaders on the squad.
“This group is very hardworking and will do a great job being leaders for our team this season,” Weldy said.
Weldy said as a team, the goals for the Wildcats are simple.
“We want to keep improving throughout the season and to be doing our best when we get to May and have districts, sectionals, and state,” he said. “We will have a lot of new faces in our throwing events, so I feel that group will show the most improvement throughout the season.”
Cassville’s season begins on Thursday at McDonald County, and the Big 8 Championships are set for May 2.
Weldy said one date in particular should be circled on Wildcat fans’ calendar.
“Our home meet is in Cassville on Tuesday, April 18,” he said. “Its always nice to be at home, and we only have one varsity meet each year.”
Other meets on the schedule include: Branson, Reeds Spring, Aurora, East Newton and Monett.
“I go to variety of different meets that are hosted by schools of varying sizes, so I feel like it sets us up well for the postseason meets in May,” he said.
Weldy said as the season goes on, the Wildcats’ work ethic will determine success.
“We have a good group of hard-working kids,” he said. “It’s a good mix of veterans and newcomers that will help us during the season, and I’m excited to see how the team will grow.”