Ella Wheeler, left, as Ella Curiosity, and Andi Oliphant, as Josephine Solo, marvel at one of their spy gadgets during the play “Mission Possible,” put on by Shell Knob in the Spotlight on Friday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville- democrat.com
Ella Wheeler, left, as Ella Curiosity, and Andi Oliphant, as Josephine Solo, marvel at one of their spy gadgets during the play “Mission Possible,” put on by Shell Knob in the Spotlight on Friday.
Silverthumb, right, played by Craig Burford, and Kitty Galore, played by Ellie Good, laugh maniacally at an evil plan in the play “Mission Possible,” put on by SKITS on Friday at the Central Crossing United Methodist Church. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@ cassville-democrat. comVictoria, left, played by Edie Thompson, and Albert, played by Roger Smith. sit on a park bench in London where they would witness a kidnapping at the beginning of the “Mission Possible” play performed by Shell Knob in the Spotlight on Friday. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@ cassville-democrat.James Blond, right, played by Andy Miller, and Axel Grease, played by Mathew Hutcherson, discuss the tour Grease was escorting a group on at the Argentum Manor, a Saxon castle where “Mission Possible” is set. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@ cassville-democrat. comSue Klassen, as Dr. Schlock, middle, is threatened by Boris, left, played by Jennifer Oliphant, and Natasha, played by Janel Riley, to do the evil Silverthumb’s bidding in “Mission Possible.” Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville- democrat.com