Two local schools placed in the poultry evaluation career development event at the 95th Missouri FFA Convention in April, and a student at another local school was honored as a Star in Agribusiness.
The Cassville FFA Chapter placed second in the poultry event, and the Wheaton FFA Chapter took fourth. There were 47 teams in the competition.

The poultry teams evaluate, identify and present their findings on live production hens, ready-to-cook turkeys, processed poultry products, cartons of eggs and broiler parts. In addition, a multiple-choice test and a problem-solving section on poultry management and production are included in the scoring.
Sponsored by University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, this CDE is one way the FFA prepares student members for career success. CDEs engage student learning and make a real connection to lifetime goals.
Cassville team members include Jaret Hinson, Peter Littlefield and Tierany Sloan. Hinson placed 2nd, Littlefield placed 5th, and Sloan placed 42nd out of 183 participants. The Cassville FFA advisors are Hannah Denief, Jordan Ellis and Jimmy Hinson.
Wheaton team members include Hayden Royer, Sarah Holenda, Elijah Holenda and Bailee Gorman. Royer placed 8th, Holenda placed 20th, Holenda placed 21st, and Gorman placed 31st out of 183 participants. The Wheaton FFA advisor is Cody Hendrix.
Finally, The Missouri FFA Association recognized Colton Pendergraft, of the Southwest FFA Chapter, as the Area 11 Star in Agribusiness.
Area Stars in Agribusiness are selected based upon outstanding achievement in work experience in an agricultural business as part of a student’s supervised agricultural experience program and active participation in FFA. Area 11 includes 16 chapters in the Southwest District.
American Family Insurance sponsors the 16 area Star in Agribusiness awards and the State Star in Agribusiness Award.
Pendergraft’s supervised agricultural experience program includes owning and operating his own lawn service business. He began by mowing the grass at his mother’s business, then grew to 20 community lawns. Pendergraft has expanded his business offerings to include spraying herbicides and applying fertilizers. He also works at the local feed mill and an equipment repair shop.
Pendergraft has served as the chapter historian. He has competed in horse evaluation and selection and dairy cattle evaluation career development events. Pendergraft was also named the star chapter greenhand and earned the chapter leadership medal.
After high school graduation, Pendergraft plans to attend Crowder College-Neosho to become a certified diesel technician. Upon graduation, he plans to start an excavation business.
Pendergraft is the son of Will and Amanda Pendergraft, of Washburn, and his advisors are Bill Caldwell and Katlyn Branson.
The Missouri FFA has 26,716 members representing 356 chapters. The national organization has more than 850,000 members representing 8,995 chapters in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.