David Oliphant, as Anthony, sings about strength as he tries to overcome being involved in a shipwreck during the play ‘Sirens’ on Thursday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com
Mack Good, right, as Charlotte, bribes Old Sal, played by Sarah Durm, with a bit of booze to gain access to a ship to sail with her friend to search for her husband who was lost at sea. The scene was part of the Cassville Arts Council’s production of ‘Sirens.’. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comMack Good, left, as Charlotte, looks over a map with her friend Abbie, played by Torrance Davis, as the pair aim to track down Abbie’s husband, Anthony, who was lost in a shipwreck in the play ‘Sirens’ on Thursday. The production was put on by the Cassville Arts Council, its third play at the Crowder Cassville Community Building. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comMack Good, right, as Charlotte, bribes Old Sal, played by Sarah Durm, with a bit of booze to gain access to a ship to sail with her friend to search for her husband who was lost at sea. The scene was part of the Cassville Arts Council’s production of ‘Sirens.’ Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com