Minerva, a great horned owl, had her head on a swivel at the FEMA Event Center Thursday while sitting on the arm of Jamie Williams, education specialist with the Dickerson Park Zoo. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com
Minerva, a great horned owl, had her head on a swivel at the FEMA Event Center Thursday while sitting on the arm of Jamie Williams, education specialist with the Dickerson Park Zoo.
Mrs. Butterworth, an endangered pancake tortoise, was one of four animals presented to summer school youth and library patrons at the Dickerson Park Zoo’s “Partners in Survival” program at the FEMA Event Center on Thursday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat. comJamie Williams, education specialist with the Dickerson Park Zoo, answers questions and gives facts about Mrs. Butterworth, an endangered pancake tortoise housed at the Zoo. The tortoise was joined by a chinchilla, an eastern rat snake and a great horned owl at the Zoo’s “Partners in Survival” presentation at the FEMA Event Center on Thursday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com