Ed Lassley, of Purdy, his grandson, Titus Lassley, in the foreground, and granddaughter, Charlie Brown, at rear, visit with Butch Patrick, right, who portrayed Eddie Munster in the long-running television show, The Munsters. Sheila Harris/sheilaharrisads@ gmail.com
Elvis tribute-artist Brian Lee Dunning, left, performed with the Eddie Valen Band at Purdy’s “Thunder in the Park” car show at the Purdy Festival Saturday. Car show organizer Austin Drake said the show, which followed Friday night’s storm, gave new meaning to the car show’s name. Drake said, in spite of the storm the night before, this year’s car show was the largest one yet, with 85-90 cars in attendance. Sheila Harris/ sheilaharrisads@gmail.comFrom left, bathtub racers and organizers Aldo Perez, Deniloson DeLeon, Pablo Alvarez and Simon Walker are primed for upcoming action at the Purdy Festival Saturday. Festival Organizer Renae Neill said in spite of the storms Friday night, several people told her they felt like it was the largest attendance they’ve had at a festival up to date. “I’m amazed,” Neill said. “Things were pretty questionable when I woke up at 4:50 a.m. to the sound of chainsaws and with no electricity, but we decided we were just going to do what we could.” Sheila Harris/sheilaharrisads@ gmail.comWill Henderson, left, shows off a goat to his little sister, Emily Henderson, right, prior to the FFA Livestock Show at the Purdy Festival Saturday. Sheila Harris/ sheilaharrisads@ gmail. comThe Drag-u-la coffin car driven by Grandpa Munster, of the long-running television show, The Munsters, was a featured attraction in the car show at the Purdy Festival Saturday. The car, along with a tribute motorcycle, was accompanied by Butch Patrick, the actor who portrayed Eddie Munster. Sheila Harris/sheilaharrisads@gmail.comA 1957 Chevy Bel-Air owned by Annie Nelson drew lots of attention during the car show at the Purdy Festival Saturday. Sheila Harris/sheilaharrisads@gmail.com