The Cassville school district has released information regarding pick-up processes at each lower school building.
Vehicles form a single file line entering the circle drive that will run parallel to the front of the school building and down Kid Cat Drive (or 14th Street). After vehicles have lined-up along 14th Street, parents are encouraged to curve the line to run along Park Avenue.
Six vehicles at a time will enter the loading zone and park in a designated loading space. Once all students are in their vehicles safely, all six vehicles will exit. Cars will not be permitted to exit until all six cars are loaded and ready to depart. All six cars will depart at the same time.
All parents that pick up their chilrend are provided with a permit that must be displayed in the right hand front dashboard of their vehicle. The permit serves as proof of permission for the driver to pick up that specific student. Individuals needing to pick up students who do not possess the pick up permit will need to park in the parking lot and obtain a temporary permit from primary office staff.
If parents are currently picking up an intermediate or middle school student with a primary student, parents should wait to get into line until 3:15 p.m., as older students arrive later to the primary building.
If parents arrive before their intermediate or middle school student arrives, the parent will be asked to circle around and re-enter the line again so that traffic flow may continue.
“The pick up process always takes longer on the first day of school and the first couple of weeks of the school year, but then everyone gets in a routine and the line begins to move quicker,” said Mindi Gates, principal at Eunice Thomas Elementary School. “We appreciate everyone’s patience and support during these first days back and we ask that we all be considerate and courteous of each other.”
Cassville Intermediate School
When the vehicle picking up the student enters the Rock Gym/ Intermediate parking lot, vehicles should line up in a single file line to the far right.
Vehicles will form a single file line in front of the intermediate entrance. Drivers are asked to please remain in the far right lane and reserve the two middle lanes as an exit only.
All parents that pick up their child are provided with a permit that was issued during Stop, Drop and Go. The permit must be displayed in the right hand front dashboard of their vehicle. The permit serves as proof of permission for the driver to pick up that specific student. This year, the permit was printed on bright orange paper. Individuals needing to pick up students who do not possess the pick up permit will need to park in the parking lot and obtain a temporary permit from office staff.
As vehicles are lining up, intermediate staff members, located both inside and outside of the entrance, remain in communication and line up students according to the order of the vehicle pick up line. After the vehicle reaches the front of the line in front of the intermediate building, an intermediate staff member will release their child to the car. The vehicle will be permitted to exit after the child is safely seated in the vehicle and they have reached the front of the line.
Cassville Middle School
Middle school students that have a younger sibling in either the primary or intermediate buildings have the option of joining their younger sibling at either the primary or intermediate pick up location. CMS students are dismissed at 3:10 p.m., therefore, parents that are in the primary or intermediate pick up line and are picking up a middle school student as well should wait until 3:15 to get in line.
Parents picking up only a middle school student are encouraged to use the gravel parking lot, located on Kid Cat Drive (or 14th Street), between East Avenue and Mill Street. Parents of middle school students are also permitted to use the Rock Gym/Intermediate parking lot as a pick up location, however, this location experiences more traffic due to the intermediate pick up location.
Safety tips from School
Resource Officer Thompson
• Please be sure to pay attention to your surroundings. While we understand that you need to get to work or home with everyone’s busy schedules, just be sure to pay attention that there are no students or staff getting ready to cross as you are pulling out onto the road. Student safety is my number one priority.
• Pulling out from East 14th Street onto Main Street (near the Rock Gym), there is a no-left turn sign that is in effect from 7:30-8 a.m. and at 3-3:30 p.m.. As this may be an inconvenience to some, it helps with the flow of traffic and is there to attempt to minimize traffic accidents during those times.
• As stated before, student safety is my number one priority so while in the school zone, make sure you are driving the speed limit and not looking at the phone.
• Be sure to stop for the crossing guard and please understand that we are humans and we make mistakes but when we motion for people to stop, stop and wait until you are motioned to start moving again. We attempt to keep traffic moving as smoothly as possible; please be patient.
Pick-up map for Cassville Intermediate School. Contributed photo