Enjoying one of the rides at the Exeter Corn Maze on Saturday were, from left, Cambrie Tunnell, 11, Cashlyn Moore, 4, Tucker Tackett, 9, and Kyzer Tunnell, 10, all of Mannford, Okla. The Corn Maze opened for the season on Saturday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com
Carter Lowery, 6, of Tulsa, got a push from his grandmother, Melissa Lowery, of Aurora, on one of the barn swings at the Exeter Corn Maze on Saturday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comOne new attraction at the Exeter Corn Maze this season is a singing duo, which includes this pumpkin giving his best rendition of a “Nightmare Before Christmas” song. The Maze officially opened for the season on Saturday. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@ cassville-democrat. comCarter Henbest, 8, of Aurora, turns his go-kart right around the curve while enjoying a day at the Exeter Corn Maze on Saturday. Kyle Troutman/ ktrout-man@ cassville- democrat. com