Cassville senior Andrew Gray describes how rabbits are judged in competition during a presentation at the Food For America event at Cassville schools on Friday. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comEaston Schoelzel, left. and Cory Ziegler pet a goat during the Food For America event at Cassville schools on Friday, where Cassville FFA invited multiple presenters and farmers to educate students on everything from where food comes from to agriculture-related career opportunities. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comCassville Middle School students had to search the trees for one presentation at the Food For America event on Friday. Chance Freed and Tristan Thompson (not pictured) demonstrated how two types of tree stands work for hunting. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville- democrat.comAndy Rhodes, with the Missouri Department of Conservation, shows off a bobcat skin during a demonstration on hunting and trapping at the Food For America event on Friday at Cassville schools. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comFrom left, ShyAnn Oakley, Carli Stockton and Reese Artherton pet a bird dog during the Food For America event at Cassville schools on Friday. Kyle Troutman/ktrout-man@ cassville-democrat.comTyra Sturgell, right, obliges Domanik Kramp in showing him her horse’s teeth and how large they are. The animal was one of many at the Food For America event at Cassville schools on Friday. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@cassville- democrat.comPenelope See, front, and Shelby Knoefler, did their best rendition of Titanic while exploring the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s boat set up at Food For America on Friday. Kyle Troutman/