November 2023

Ag Education is ‘On The Move’ at Southwest

Elementary students to learn about farming, livestock, more Missouri Farmers Care Foundation’s Agriculture Education on the Move (AEOTM) is excited to announce a partnership this fall with the Southwest FFA Chapter to educate third grade students about agriculture. AEOTM, a program of the Missouri Farmers Care Foundation, is a proactive, educational effort in which passionate, trained educators spend time in the classroom helping elementary students build agricultural literacy.
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Stake presidency changes

Recently, the Monett Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints had a change in its stake presidency. Although the name “Monett” might give a false idea that the Monett Stake only comprises the town of Monett, the stake reaches as far north as Cedar County, as far south as the Arkansas border, just shy of Billings on the east and some places near the Kansas border on the west.
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Trout Tales, Nov. 8

This week, my assigment was as unique as they come, interviewing a Bigfoot hunter. Master Trackers Rick Dyer and Jeremy Ware have been around town, and when we saw their truck, we just had to ask what they were doing here. The story on Dyer is filled with hoaxes, the Men in Black and some unabashed confidence that there is a Bigfoot down in Butler Hollow near Seligman. Dyer plans to use deer urine and pork ribs to lure the creature out. I, for one, am just glad they don’t like trout. This photo Dyer provided is a Bigfoot he said he killed and had confiscated. I have just a couple questions. Are Bigfoot naturally blurry? Will Dyer sas-squash his critics? Is there a cave creature hiding in Roaring River Spring? Nevermind. Let’s just move on before I scare myself over a baffle.
Read MoreTrout Tales, Nov. 8

Kyle Troutman: A section to behold

It takes a pantry’s worth of ingredients to create the kind of atmosphere everyone will enjoy on Friday nights under the flood lights. From talented players making exciting plays to coaches putting them in positions to do so, and from the cheerleaders riling up the fans to said fans’ participation in the yells, engagement and entertainment on the field and off can make for a great night of high school football.
Read MoreKyle Troutman: A section to behold