Mandy Meltabarger Larson took this shot of snowfall in Hailey Hollow, southeast of Cassville, during the snowstorm on Monday. According to National Weather Service reports, about 2.3 inches of snow fell in Cassville. Contributed photo
A female cardinal at Esther Hightower’s home south of Monett got a beak full of snow while eating sunflower seeds. Contributed photoHighland cattle at the farm of Julie Davison trotted through the snowfall on Monday in Cassville. Contributed photoJess Nichols’ dog Nova bounded through the Exeter snowfall with determination on Monday. Contributed photoRegina Murphy Robbins’ horses trotted through Exeter’s Monday snowfall, which measured over 2 inches in Barry County. Contributed photoJess Nichols captured this cardinal searching for food in Exeter during Monday’s snowstorm. Contributed photoSharon Hunton Lyall captured the chilly sight of Table Rock Lake from a bluff in Eagle Rock during Monday’s snowstorm. Contributed photoKayla Wilson Bayse caught a close up scene of the sub-zero tempratures on barbed wire via ice crystals on Monday. Contributed photoJennifer Lauderdale Rose caught this squirrel finding a late season snack in Exeter on Monday. Contributed photoCowboy and Rocky, horses belonging to Kelley Lybbert-Meyers were starying warm in the sub-zero temperatures during Monday’s showstorm. Contributed photo