I went down to Roaring River State Park a couple of times last week in search of the almighty Bald Eagles said to frequent the spring area this time of year, and after a few attempts, I think I’m giving up. I’ve seen a few of America’s birds, but they are soaring so high up in the sky I can’t get any good pictures of them. As I was sitting in my car contemplating if I’ll ever get another great eagle photo again, my fish eye caught another more common animal of the woods. This doe and her foal were not nearly as difficult to capture as the high-flying eagles. In fact, they seemed hardly afraid of me as I walked up the grass to get a closer look. After having our moment together, I left them to their business of finding an early aternoon snack under the days-old snowfall. The experience got me thinking though: am I a deer whisperer? I think I can make a side job out of this skill. If you’re a hunter who can’t seem to get close to a doe or a buck, give me a shout! I’ll teach you the whispering way. Just make sure you leave my friends at Roaring River be.
Trout Brown is the comics correspondent for the Cassville Democrat, aiming to point out entertaining happenings in Barry County.