Finch is a German Shepherd/ Rottweiler mix who was adopted out from the Haven as a puppy. She is house trained and is great with kids of all ages. She enjoys car rides, playing and laying around with her humans. She is a very sweet, smart, loving, has a lot of energy, and would do well with an active family who will keep her mind and her body engaged! Her date of birth is March 16, 2020. Finch is used to baths and getting brushed and is great with people. She does fine on a leash but will need a good high fence to keep her from escaping the yard. Although she did live with another dog, she likes being the boss and can be protective of her family, so we recommend a meet and greet with any potential doggy siblings. The Haven is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., seven days a week. For more information, people may email havenozarksanctuary@, or call at 417-835-3647. Contributed photo