Cassville kindergarten student Parker Hickman stacks Solo cups as part of a 100th day of school celebration on Feb. 5. Kyle Troutman/
Christina Burr, of Cassville, helps kindergartener Jade Burr complete a puzzle celebrating the 100th day of school on Feb. 5. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.comFrom left, Parker Hickman, Oden Case and Warren Waltrip watch as a 100 days of school poster is placed on a table with other 100 day creations. Kyle Troutman/ktrout-man@ cassville-democrat.comCassville kindergartener Cohen Santos holds up his 100 days puzzle after completing it as part of the celebration of the 100th day of school on Feb. 5. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@ cassville-democrat. comNoah Hammond, Cassville kindergarten student, smiles as she stacks cups as part of the Feb. 5 100th day of school celebration. Kyle Troutman/