Kimberly Healey: A show of love on Valentine’s Day

On this day every year, millions of people go out of their way to show the ones in their lives how much they love them.

They spend their hardearned money on flowers, chocolate, candy, and teddy bears. Women and men alike love those gifts I am sure!

My question is, why only one day to show the people around us that we love them? We should be doing to show the people in our lives daily just how much they mean to us?

It does not take a lot to do that in all honesty. Have you eaten today? Be Careful! Do you need help? Do you want to talk about it? Just checking on our loved ones to make sure they are OK is one way to show love.

I have been married to a wonderful man for 8 years. Every single day, this man makes it a point to check on me. He makes sure that I have eaten and am taken care of even though he has his own struggles. He puts my needs first.

I know without a doubt he loves me and has my best interest at heart just by all the small gestures he does for me. My opinion is we put too much emphasis on this holiday and not enough in our everyday life.

We should be putting the effort in every single day to let our family and friends know just how much we care for them. Making handmade cards instead of buying an expensive big card or staying in for a nice dinner and a movie instead of going out.

I love long-stem roses as much as the next lady, but I love hand-picked flowers more because you took the time to stop and walk and pick them for me. It is just the time you took to put the thought into it.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, so why try to wait a whole year to pour your love out on one day when you could do it every single day of the year?

Call your Mom and Dad and tell them you love them. Tell your family how much you care. Let that special person in your life know that they are the only one for you but only do it every month, every week, every day.

This world we live in is so busy now, make sure you take the time to slow down and enjoy the real love of every day life with your Valentine.

Happy Valentine’s Day to my Husband. I love you and all you do for me. Thank you!

Kimberly Healey works in homeless correlation, is on the SWMO ReStore & Builds Board and is on the Share Your Christmas Board. She may be reached at