Zane LeCompte

Age: 30

Current Occupation: Retail Sales Past Experience: Retail Sales Education: Cassville High, University of Arkansas 1. Why do you want to be North Ward Alderman?

I want to be North Alderman because I love Cassville and I would like to give back to make our community a better place to live now and in the future.

2. What qualifications support your candidacy for city council?

I have lived in Cassville all my life and I have always been interested in city government.

3. If elected, what do you see as your top priorities?

If I were elected, my top priorities would be to try and help Cassville grow economically, create and/or maintain infrastructure and become a more exciting and fun place to live.

4. What will be your approach to managing the city’s finances?

My approach to managing the city’s finances would involve using our funds in the most valuable way possible.

5. Are there specific areas of the budget you like to cut, or any areas you would fund more?

As far as the budget is concerned, I would hate to say what should be done until I really get a good feel for what is going on within the city government.

However, I am certain that I want what is best for Cassville and for the community.