Diver Steve Haggitt displays the three ROVs and accessories he and three team members will use for an April 24-26 exploration of Roaring River Spring Cave. Sheila Harris/sheilaharrisads@gmail.com
Diver Steve Haggitt, of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, surveys the new map at the head of Roaring River Spring, prior to his April 24-26 exploration of the spring cave with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Sheila Harris/sheilaharrisads@ gmail.comDiver Steve Haggitt, of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, will use his QYSEA ROV to explore Roaring River Spring Cave on April 24-26. The ROV is a W6 hydrodynamic class 2 ROV, with 20,000 lumens of light, two 4K video cameras and depth capability of 1,157 feet. Sheila Harris/sheilaharri-sads@ gmail.com