Jon Horner: What’s next?

As I started on this month’s column, the graduation season was concluding.

That became the reason or idea for my “What’s Next” theme. Since we have just finished up the graduation season for all types of schools, from preschool to colleges, I am sure that the question that comes to mind for many graduates is: What’s next? Where do we go from here? Am I ready for the what’s next?

Regardless of your age, there is that tendency to wonder about what is coming next in our lives. I know that I have had those feelings many times in my life. In many situations, there’s the fear of the unknown.

What is behind the next door that we are about to open in our life? Am I ready for “What’s Next?”

I remember that feeling in the Spring of 1969 when myself and my buddies were leaving the confines of Kindergarten and were contemplating our journey in the next few months to first grade. Yes, first grade sounded ominous to us.

For one thing, it was going to be all day school. Back then, Kindergarten was a half day structure.

For myself and my buddy, Paul Preddy, going all day to school for first grade was our first “fear of the unknown” moment. Could we really do it?

And, as it happens so many times in life, after our time period of fearing the unknown, and dreading the move down the hallway to first grade, something amazing happened that we didn’t expect. We walked into the classroom and met someone who changed our lives.

We met the incredible Faye Priest. Mrs. Priest was our first grade teacher and was one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever encountered in my life. Because of her boundless enthusiasm matched with her common sense, I give her credit for fueling my desire to learn and a love of school.

I now laugh at the thought that we were so scared of heading to first grade.

I’m sure many of us have faced many “What’s Next” times in our lives. So, how can we prepare ourselves for the “What’s Next” moment?

In these instances, I look back upon one of my favorite quotes, “Don’t let what you’re afraid of keep you from what you are made for.”

For Paul, the courage to walk into that first grade classroom was one of many important steps that made him a graduate of the United States Naval Academy in May 1985.

Embracing the next step in our life’s journey can be a step of faith. As I tell graduates of all ages, there will be moments of fear and dread, as I have described. There will be moments of growth when you marvel at what you can actually do. And, then there will be moments of humility and the recognition there is always more to learn.

Many times, this requires being receptive and being able to change. However, even in challenging times, there can be growth and a vision for future success.

As we see every day, time doesn’t stand still. And this also reminds me of a favorite quote: “Rivers never reverse. The water flowing is never the same water and is never still. It’s always changing and is always on the move. And over time the river changes too. It widens and deepens as it rubs and scours as it comes to the next bend.”

In so many ways, life and our “What’s Next” moments are like a river. We change, adapt and say goodbye to the past. We can do so and focus on our future by taking that step of faith like Paul and I took in the fall of 1969. We have the power in our own hands to move forward through the obstacle.

I hope your next “What’s next” moment is something you will treasure and look back upon with pride.

Jon Horner is a local community bank president, published author, newspaper columnist, and motivational speaker. He can be reached at