James Morgan: Sheriff Questionnaire 1 (Law Enforcement)

Publisher’s note: The following Q&As represent the candidates’ views verbatim, as submitted via email in response to our questions, and have not been edited. The Primary Election will be held Aug. 6, with voters allowed to select one of the four candidates. As all candidates have filed as Republicans, the top vote-getter will be the Republican nominee in the General Election on Nov. 5 and the presumed sheriff elect unless challenged by an Independent, filing for which is open until July 29 with certain requirements that must be met through the County Clerk’s Office. – KT

1. What specifically, will you do to reduce the drug problem in Barry County?

The best way to address the drug problem in Barry County will be to create a narcotics unit. Many of Barry County’s crimes are committed because of the drug epidemic. Right now, meth and fentanyl are running rampant through many of our communities and have gone unchecked for far too long. If elected I would immediately begin working to create a selfsufficient narcotics unit. I will look at adding canine teams to our department to help deter drug trafficking into and around Barry County. I would like to have quarterly meeting with surrounding law enforcement agencies to discuss criminal investigations, new trends in criminal behaviors and to build strong working relationships with all Barry County law enforcement to not only stop the drug problem but to stop the thefts in our county too.

2. How can you utilize other agencies (ODET, DEA, etc.) to curb drugs coming into the county?

I have a great working relationship with the other agencies (ODET, DEA, HSI, FBI) and currently work with many of them in Oklahoma on drug and violent crime cases. Over the years I have made several contacts in different states on the city, county

3. How do you hope to lessen the amount of property crime in the county?

By attacking drug related crimes, the citizens will see a decrease of property crime. I will have more deputies on the street with a sergeant on each shift.

We will start holding the criminals accountable for the crimes they commit.

4. What training do you plan to require of your deputies, and which specific skills do you aim to focus on?

Training is knowledge, the more training our deputies have the better they can serve the citizens of Barry County. I would like to have all deputies trained in mental health issues.

Mental health issues are a problem nationwide, and it is very important part of law enforcement.

I want the deputies to be prepared when dealing with and recognizing the symptoms of mental health problems. I would also like to see the deputies receive more training in fentanyl and other dangerous drugs that are affecting our community.

5. What tools do you hope to bring to the department to continually improve law enforcement?

Some of the qualities or “tools” that I want to bring to the department is a good work ethic, morals and communication. My entire law enforcement career has been based on these three building blocks. If each member of the Barry County Sheriff’s Office strives to have a good work ethic, morals and communication, we can start rebuilding the trust, that has been lost with the community. Another “tool”, I will bring is a relationship that I have built in over the years with the surrounding agencies to Barry County that I currently have a working relationship with on regular basis.

6. How will you set and assess deputy pay?

I don’t feel like law enforcement personnel make enough money.

However, I would like to complete a pay comparison to similar size departments.

My goal would be to pay deputies a livable wage. A wage where they would not have to work two or three jobs to try to survive. If we want to hire and retain the best deputies we must pay them a competitive wage.

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