A sight to be ‘scene’

New mural adorns Cassville Democrat building

Northbound drivers on Main Street in Cassville have a new scene to sight as they travel into downtown Cassville.

The Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce the completion of a vibrant new mural that now adorns the south side of the Cassville Democrat building.

“This artistic endeavor, brought to life by the talented students of the Cassville Public Schools Summer School Mural Class, is a testament to community spirit and collaboration,” said Morgan Williams, Chamber director. “We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Cassville Public Schools Summer School Mural Class for their dedication, creativity, and hard work. We also want to thank Teall Williams, Art Teacher of the Summer School Mural Class, for taking on this project and helping bring it to life in a short 15 days.

“Their passion and talent has transformed a simple wall into a stunning piece of art that reflects the heart and soul of our community and Roaring River State Park.”

This project would not have been possible without the generous support of local partners, Morgan Williams said.

“We are grateful to the Cassville Democrat for donating the side of their building for this beautiful mural as well as Michaels Hardware for providing us with supplies,” she said. “The support from these businesses has been instrumental in bringing this vision to life for the community.”

Kyle Troutman, publisher of the Cassville Democrat and owner of the building, said he’s elated to be able to offer the space for the project.

“My wife and co-owner Jordan and I could not say yes to this project quickly enough,” he said. “We’d like to thank the Chamber and the Cassville art program for envisioning and executing such a dynamic and modern addition representing our city and Roaring River State Park.”

Morgan Williams said the new mural not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the downtown area, but also serves as a symbol of the cooperation, dedication, and pride that defines Cassville and Roaring River State Park.

“We invite all residents and visitors to come and enjoy this new addition to our community,” she said. “If you would like to help support future mural projects, donations can be made to Cassville Public Schools and earmarked to the mural class.”

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