James Morgan: Sheriff Questionnaire 4 (Community)

Publisher’s note: The following Q&As represent the candidates’ views verbatim, as submitted via email in response to our questions, and have not been edited. The Primary Election will be held Aug. 6, with voters allowed to select one of the four candidates (Mike McGuire has suspended his campaign but will remain on the ballot). As all candidates have filed as Republicans, the top vote-getter will be the Republican nominee in the General Election on Nov. 5 and the presumed sheriff elect unless challenged by an Independent, filing for which is open until July 29 with certain requirements that must be met through the County Clerk’s Office. – KT

1. What avenues do you intend to use to communicate and inform the community?

I will use local newspapers and social media to keep citizens informed. I believe in being transparent with the community. I feel citizens have a right to know what their sheriff’s office is doing.

2. Do you have any plans for initiating or engaging with existing neighborhood watch programs?

I believe that a good neighborhood watch program is vital for our county. It’s another way for citizens and law enforcement to work together and make safer communities. If elected sheriff, I will assist communities, who are not utilizing the program, with proper set up. And I will be a point of contact for all neighborhood watch programs in our county.

3. In what ways do you hope to engage in community outreach?

Community outreach is very important in rebuilding trust in the Sheriff’s Office. I have a few programs in mind in regards to outreach for children in our area schools. I think it’s important to be a positive role model for the kids. Change starts with us but if we don’t build a good relationship between law enforcement and the next generation, our area will be in real trouble. I want the Sheriff’s Office to not only build relationships with the community but also rebuild relationships with the local and surrounding law enforcement agencies. I want all the citizens to know the Sheriff’s Office is there to help and work with them. My goal is to build a team, not only within the department, but also with the citizens of Barry County. Working together is the only way to stop the crime that is running rampant in our county.

4. Do you plan to have an open-door policy with all Barry County residents who wish to speak with you?

Absolutely, I will have an open-door policy. I want the citizens of Barry County to be able to voice concerns, decompress or just have a cup of coffee with me. My door will always be open. As a sheriff, I work for the citizens to protect and serve.

5. Are there any ways you think the community can help the Sheriff’s Office operate successfully?

I still believe in community policing. The citizens know more about what goes on in their areas, than anyone else. They can be a very valuable asset to assist law enforcement. Example: unusual activity in the area, vehicles that don’t belong, people they have never seen before…etc. We will work with the public to Take our County Back!