Gary Schad: Northern Commissioner Questionnaire 1

Publisher’s note: The following Q&As represent the candidates’ views verbatim, as submitted via email in response to our questions, and have not been edited. The Primary Election will be held Aug. 6, with voters allowed to select one of the two candidates. As both candidates have filed as Republicans, the top vote-getter will be the Republican nominee in the General Election on Nov. 5 and the presumed northern commissioner elect unless challenged by an Independent, filing for which is open until July 29 with certain requirements that must be met through the County Clerk’s Office. – KT 

1. Why do you want to be Northern Commissioner?

To continue the job I started, which is to keep Barry County moving in the right direction. For those of you who may not know prior to me joining the commission the county was experiencing a reduction in sales tax due to the 2008 recession where even services and staff were eliminated to maintain a balanced budget. I’ve been able to work with the other office holders to pull Barry County out of that deficit and improve the budget to where we are now actually able to fully run the county and even put back some for reserves. I’d like to ensure this continues and our county is able to thrive.

2. What qualifications do you have that best suit the position?

Experience is the key to this job, just ask any of the 324 existing county commissioners in the state of Missouri and they will tell you the same thing. I bring 12 years of experience to this office which is double the two other commissioners combined.

I’m also a lifelong resident and am totally invested in Barry County. I’ve grown up in this county and with the people who live in these communities. Also, my degree in economics, from the University of Missouri, has provided insights and value when dealing with budget issues and day to day spending. My combined experience and knowledge of the county and county business makes me the most qualified candidate for the job.

3. What specific goals do you plan to accomplish in your next/first term?

I would like to review our current road commission program and explore all options for improvement.

The goal is to save the road districts and tax payers money while maintaining quality roads.

In addition, I would like to ensure all current county buildings and structures are maintained, preserved and updated for future generations. In the short term, I’d like to ensure the new jail and health department gets started on the right track and runs smoothly and that the Sherriff’s department has all the tools needed to run efficiently and be fully staffed.

4. What do you see as the biggest issue facing Barry County and how do you hope to solve it?

The biggest issue is the drug problem our county faces, which leads to more crime in the area. I will continue to work with the Sherriff’s department to get them fully staffed, which in turn will yield greater coverage and enforcement in the county. In order to do this I will continue to use CCAM (County Commissioners Association of Missouri) to lobby our state representatives for stricter punishments for drug abuse and repeat offenders.

5. What is your philosophy on budgeting county funds?

I am conservative and conscientious about county funds. Reviewing and meeting the needs of the county are important while economically saving funds and building our reserves.