102 attend annual Youth Tour in D.C.

One hundred and two high school students participated in Missouri’s 61st annual Missouri Electric Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., from June 14-20.

Local delegates included Simon Gates and Bodee Rose from Cassville, and Saige Miller from Washburn, all sponsored by Barry Electric Cooperative.

This year’s Missouri Electric Cooperative Youth Tour provided a dynamic and educational experience, offering high school students the chance to delve into politics, leadership, community service, and pressing current issues.

“The Youth Tour is the highlight of the summer for many students, and we’re proud to send our best and brightest to our nation’s capital,” said Chris Massman, vice president of member services for the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives. “Each of these delegates will meet someone or see something that inspires them, and in some cases, this experience will shape their future careers.”

Key highlights of the trip included meetings with representatives from their congressional districts, tours of iconic landmarks such as the Smithsonian Institution’s museums, Arlington National Cemetery, and the International Spy Museum. The delegates also enjoyed a sightseeing and dance cruise on the Potomac River alongside delegations from five other states.

Additionally, the delegates participated in Electric Youth Day, an event organized by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. This program brought together over 2,000 Youth Tour delegates from across the United States and featured inspiring speeches from government leaders and motivational speakers, including Mike Schlappi, a four-time Paralympic medalist and two-time world wheelchair basketball champion.

Since 1964, the nation’s cooperative electric utilities have sponsored over 58,000 high school juniors and seniors, providing them with opportunities to visit their U.S. congressional delegations, engage in energy and grassroots government education sessions, and enjoy sightseeing in Washington, D.C. For more information about the Missouri Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program, please visit www.moyouthtour. com.