50 years ago
July 17, 1974
A new masonic lodge, to be known as Central Crossing Lodge AF & AM, was dedicated last week by 27 master Masons meeting for the purpose of formation of the unit. Boone Royer of Wheaton, deputy district Grand Master and Bob Mullins, DDGL, were officials establishing and dedicating the new lodge. Temporary quarters will be the home of Postmaster H. 0. Williamson. A building committee will be working on acquiring a permanent building for the lake community lodge. Officers of the group include: Roy Pratt, worshipful master; Bill Thomason, senior warden; William Stokes, junior warden; Williamson, treasurer; Ron Rickard, secretary; Ray Wigger, senior deputy; J. L. Wakeland, junior deputy; William Ste-wart, senior sentinal; J. A. Wakeland, junior sentinal and A. W. Marshall, tyler. Meetings of the new lodge will be scheduled the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. with all Freemasons of the area welcome to attend.
Board Adopted Membership in the Cassville Golf Association nearing a point that the board of directors will start assessing an initiation fee of $200 on new members. Action by the board of directors made the move recently according to W. C. Hailey, president. The growing organization now has a membership of 139, says Cal Campbell, course manager. The board action said “Effective upon membership reaching a total of 145 or September 1, 1974, whichever comes first, for each new member thereafter there will be an initiation fee of $200 charged in addition to the first year’s dues.” The fee is not returnable nor is it transferable. Dues will remain the same at $150 annually. Cassville was the first town in Missouri to obtain Farmers Home Administration financing to the tune of $110,000 to construct the course in 1965. Since the opening in May of that year, the membership and play has been continously growing. Originally there were 120 members at $125 each. After the first year this number dropped to 87 but has climbed steadily. Three years ago the membership dues were increased to $150. Members are also subject to a $50 assessment by the board should financial emergencies exist. The nine-hole course on 70 acres between town and Roaring River State park attracted green fees amounting to approximately $7,000 last year. Tournaments and other outside attractions annually brings visitors to the course. In addition to capital improvements and equipment amounting to $45,000 in the past nine years, the association has also acquired a $25,000 home on the proper-ty: Additional fees approved by the board for the growing and increasingly popular local facility is projected into other improvements and possible property expansions.
40 years ago
July 18, 1984
The Barry County Senior Citizens Center will observe the first anniversary of the function this Friday with an open hour beginning at 2 p.m. Retha Littlejohn, director, said the public is invited to view the center after one year of operation. Location is Seventh and East Street. Mrs. Littlejohn said the center served its first meal on July 18, 1983. Since that time 16,657 meals have been served to 1,618 unduplicated persons. Functioning under the Southwest Missouri Office on Aging, the county group acquired the property and made conversions just over a year ago. Officers of the center organization include: Gerald Preddy, president; Willis Brendlinger, vice-president; Bob Littlejohn, second vice-president; Pat Rogers, secretary; Judy VanZandt, treasurer; Ruth Walters, transportation coordinator. cBoard members include: Mildred McDaniel, Seligman; Geneva Haskell, Purdy; Jim Mead, Golden; Pauline Dummit, Butterfield. Crump Taylor of Eagle Rock is president of the SMOA board of directors and serves as the Barry County representative to that group. Services offered by the center include hosting weekly visits of Social Security representatives; monthly blood pressure clinics; weekly armchair aerobics and home bound meal deliveries in the area Monday through Friday. Mrs. Littlejohn said the center also provides a number of services in the area of crafts and entertainment. The center has functioned in weather emergencies as temporary housing for senior citizens of the area.
Cassville Wildcat football camp opened Monday night with 38 prospects answering the first call for drills. Coach Joe Cavness said the daily workouts could continue rain or shine through July 27. Sessions are 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the Wildcat practice field. Initial drills are for senior high boys, and had these gridders reporting: Chris Moher, Billy Knudtson, Jim Hare, Paul Bailey, Mark Still, Doug Bowman, Jeff Yarnall, Roy Frank Edmondson, Mike Anglum, Bobby Haenig, Chris Knudtson, Doug Chapman, Kirk Anderson, Danny Bayse, Terry Madison, Kerry Madison, Martin Krallman, Darrin Waldrop, Mike Cooper, Michael King, Denny Leach, Brent Singley, Larry Stockton, Jeff Stockton, David Yarber, Billy Thompson, Kent Longley, Tim Miller, Cary Skinner, Artie Koehler, Doug Writer, Michael Tucker, Mark Tyson, Scotty Stringer, Matt Tucker, Todd Harvey, Jason Craft and Michael Hackney. Cavness said the pre-season camp would turn to seventh and eighth grade participants July 23-27 in sessions from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Additional prospects are expected to report for drills when summer jobs are completed. Wildcat hopefuls welcomed a cooling trend in weather. The new coach said attitudes of the Wildcats were good and there was a lot of hustle in the camp.
Preliminary plans for a new building program were submitted to the Wheaton board of education this week, says superintendent Charles Cudney. Plans include renovation of the high school classroom areas with the science and home economics rooms to receive extensive renovation. The plans call for renovation of gym exterior and include construction of additional classrooms and lobby area for the gym. Final plans will be reviewed at the August board meeting. The board reviewed and approved a budget for the 198485 school year totaling $873,817. Of that amount $394,156 will be for operations; $452,829 for teachers; $16,877 for building fund; and $9,955 for debt service. Dennis Prewitt, Dennis Patrick and James Steele appeared before the board to request that the board consider letting the ball field be used without charge. The board expressed a desire to help the community teams as much as possible, but stated that without a charge that scheduling becomes a problem and that operating the lights becomes expensive if no fee is charged to use the field. The board voted to let school district patrons use the new ball field for practice on a trial basis without charge as long as the field scheduled. Administrative salaries were set by the board for the 1984-85 school. The next regular school board meeting was set for August 14 at 8:00 Attending this meeting were board president Ronald Schad, Joe Higgs, Karen Vinyard, Lynn Dilbeck, Larry Butler, Lester secretary, Connie Forgey, Joe Venturoni, Dennis Prewitt, Patrick, James Steele, principals Don Cope, L.B. Nolan and dent Charles Cudney. The Wheaton board held its annual property tax hearing Tuesday, July 10. The following levies were set: Operating, 1.25; teachers, .95; building fund, .50; and debt services, .37. This total levy of $3.07 will produce $92,664 in revenue which is 10.5% of total revenues expected for the 1984-85 school year. According to Cudney the $3.07 levy reflects a $1.77 reduction in levy due to Proposition C which is 41¢ greater than the $1.36 levy reduction for 1983. This levy reduction will save Wheaton school district taxpayers $53,425 in 1984.6.
30 years ago
July 6, 1994
An initial phase of a possible expansion program for South Barry County Hospital, financing $2.5 million in work, will be discussed in a special meeting of the board of directors next week. Debbie Stubbs, administrator, said directors would meet July 12, noon with representatives of an investment banking group. Goal of the session would be to initiate a program of paying off existing indebtedness, constructing a new emergency facility, radiology department and a clinic. Debt retirement would be in the $700,000 range for past projects through Farmer’s Home Administration. Stubbs said the session would be with American Municipal Securities of Little Rock, Ark. While actual plans are in the most preliminary of stages, Stubbs said the directors had their sights on accomplishing the project without a tax increase. Members of the board include Don Cupps, Bill Easley, Lona Mae Keen, Neil Vineyard and Odis Holder.
A total of 155 animals are pre-entered in the Purdy FFA Livestock Show this Thursday according to Leonard McGee, Future Farmer of America advisor for the chapter. Showings will begin at 7 p.m. McGee said this week 100 sheep, 35 beef animals and 20 dairy animals were slated for the judging events. Exhibitors must be a resident of Missouri, according to the show committee, Larry Purdom, Kippy Cullers, Rex Henderson, Randy Wormington, Bob Gage and McGee. Health regulations normal for livestock shows will be observed for this event. Premium money will be distributed on a point basis. McGee noted this show was one of seven during the next few weeks in the Barry and Lawrence county area.