Gary Schad: Northern Commissioner Questionnaire No. 2

1. Are you happy with how the commission distributes funds and budgets? If so, why? If not, what would you like to see change?

Yes, I’m pleased with the distribution of funds.

We produce a fair and balanced budget that meets all the counties needs and then some. We as elected officials have been able to double the budget while continually building up our reserves all while being able to fully fund the Sherriff’s department and build a new jail and health department.

2. In what ways to hope to help grow sales tax?

I will continue to work with both the Monett and Cassville Chambers to promote Barry County tourism. The county currently offers tax incentive programs for start-up businesses and is regularly looking to find additional ways to encourage businesses to come to Barry County while supporting our existing tax base.

3. Do you plan to pursue any outside funding sources, such as grants?

Unfortunately, there are very few opportunities the county commission qualifies for when it comes to grants. However, we fully support all our office holders in the submission of grants that will benefit their office and the county.

4. In five years time, what new project or proposal would you like to see completed?

Since our term is only 4 years, I will speak to what I might be able to accomplish during the next term, if elected. I would like to review our current road commission program and explore all options for improvement. The goal is to save the road districts and tax payers money while maintaining quality roads.

In addition, I would like to ensure all current county buildings and structures are maintained, preserved and updated for future generations. In the short term, I’d like to ensure the new jail and health department gets started on the right track and runs smoothly and that the Sherriff’s department has all the tools needed to run efficiently and be fully staffed.

5. How do you plan to make yourself available to your constituents?

I’m currently and will continue to be available 24/7 by my personal phone. I have the county email and my personal email address that are also available. There’s also an open door policy with all county commission meetings and hearings.

We meet Mondays and Thursdays from 9am-noon so that we can conduct business which requires all county offices to be open and available. Not to mention all the local clubs, churches, and public events I’m asked to speak at, where I’m honored to inform the citizens of county business.

One comment

  1. A new jail could save a a lot of money and maybe a source of income. They’re definitely a source of lawsuits. I hope the planners and leadership made room for future expansion because if you build it… they will come.

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