Gary Klossing: Northern Commissioner Questionnaire No. 2

1. Are you happy with how the commission distributes funds and budgets? If so, why? If not, what would you like to see change?

No, the Jail closing and the new build has been the biggest concern. The tax payers were not aware of this budget concern until after the decisions were already made. The concern is the commissioners spent more money than they needed to by paying to house inmates in neighboring facilities instead of making repairs to the current jail. None of the details were explained to the public when the big decision was made to move forward with the new jail project. This goes back to the lack of transparency and the release of information to the taxpaying citizens in this county. Commissioners should not spend this large amount of money without the people in this county having a say. I feel what I would like most to change is more public assessment and citizen involvement in these types of decisions going forward.

2. In what ways to hope to help grow sales tax income?

Decisions effecting any increases in sales tax need to be based on a county needs assessment and voted on by the people to better the communities in which we all live. An opportunity I see to increase sales tax income is to shift away from higher taxes on tangible goods and focus on internet commerce and fee based services.

Measures need to be taken to investigate all avenues to save the tax payers in the here and now not later.

Work with what we have first before just adding more to the already over taxed citizens. Once this happens then the citizens need to be kept informed of possible new sales tax options and go from there.

The more informed the tax payers are the more then can understand the sale tax increase(s).

There are so many ways to get funding or grants to help with the budget. I would have to look into the current and future needs in order to find the right options. There is a lot of information to look over or investigate into grant(s) or grant writing. As a citizen in this county, I will look into and gather all information needed to save the tax payers money. We as citizens need access to all information researched to make a better life in Barry County for ourselves and future generations.

4. In five years time, what new project or proposal would you like to see completed?

Goes back to transparency again, I would like to see the citizens be able to be more involved than in the past. There is no reason for the citizens not to have access to the County Commissioner meetings. This means to me a change of meeting time(s) for the citizens to be there. Possibly have 1 or 2 meeting a month during the evening hours so the people that work during the day can attend.

Also make the citizens feel welcomed if they attend the meeting(s).

The meeting needs to be audio and video recorded which is not currently being done. Everything the Commissioner(s) say or do during the meeting need to be documented. Also, who ever attends these meeting with issues need the opportunity to be heard whether they are on the agenda or not. Caring for the citizens and each other is what we need to get back to. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

5. How do you plan to make yourself available to your constituents?

If elected I will be available to the public by a personally paid cell phone. It would be only for County Commissioner usage. It would be available to the public so they can reach me with any issue that they could have. This office should always be able to answer the publics questions or concerns without feeling they are being ignored. Also this with help to respond to them in a timely manner.

I will also have myself available before and after meetings if needed from the citizens. I also want community members and organizations to feel empowered to reach out to the northern commissioner for support, to address community concerns, and to collaborate to better the county for all citizens living here.

One comment

  1. Having direct telephone access to an elected official is a novel idea and seems to improve your plans on increasing access and interaction to county leadership. That’s one way to improve customer satisfaction.
    I hope you have success applying for and managing as many state and federal grants as possible to improve our standard of living.

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