Gary Swearingen: Barry County Coroner Questionnaire

Publisher’s note: The following Q&As represent the candidates’ views verbatim, as submitted via email in response to our questions, and have not been edited. The Primary Election will be held Aug. 6, with voters allowed to select one of the two candidates. As both candidates have filed as Republicans, the top vote-getter will be the Republican nominee in the General Election on Nov. 5 and the presumed coroner-elect unless challenged by an Independent, filing for which is open until July 29 with certain requirements that must be met through the County Clerk’s Office. – KT

1. Why do you want to be elected as coroner?

In holding the position of Barry County Coroner these past 6 years, I feel my Christian upbringing has helped me to show kindness to everyone I come in contact with. All my life I have had compassion for anyone in need. I wish to be re-elected by the good people of Barry County to continue serving families in their time of need.

I feel my experience as Barry County Coroner is second to none. For several years I had the privilege of working alongside the late Jim Fohn who was serving as the Barry County Coroner at the time of his passing. Upon the passing of Mr. Fohn, I was nominated by the Barry County Republican Central Committee and appointed by Governor Michael Parson to fulfill Mr.

Fohn’s term and then elected by the people of Barry County to serve as their coroner. By observing the work ethic that Mr.

Fohn had and absorbing his vast knowledge as a coroner, I feel that I continue to give the citizens of Barry County the service they deserve. I attend all training conferences the state of Missouri offers. These training sessions help me be aware of any new or changing laws that might affect the coroner’s office.

3. What goals do you hope to achieve as a coroner, and in what ways can the office progress?

My goal in serving as Barry County Coroner is to provide honest, respectful, accurate, and timely investigation services so that our county residents can be proud of the service received from their coroner’s office. I feel that progress in the coroner’s office is made by continuing to provide satisfactory investigative services and by treating each family affected with compassion and respect.

4. If there is no next-of-kin direction or preference, how will you determine where to transport a deceased person after taking custody of the body?

Upon arriving at a coroner’s scene and no family of the deceased being available to give a preference as to where to transport their loved one, I always take custody of the decedent and immediately, along with the assistance of law enforcement, start a diligent search to locate and contact the next of kin to give me direction on where they prefer their family member be taken. Upon hearing the family’s request, I always and gladly abide by their wishes.

5. What experience do you have determining causes of death and investigating scenes?

I feel the six years serving as your coroner and the valuable guidance and training that I received from the late Jim Fohn along with the knowledge that I obtained from attending all available training sessions and having a close working relationship with all law enforcement qualifies me to operate a successful position as coroner.

6. How do you plan to manage your time on the job, and will you be available at all hours in case of emergency?

My plans to manage my time as your coroner will not change.

Since being appointed as Barry County Coroner and then elected by the great people of Barry County I have been a 24-hour-aday, 7-days-a-week, and 365-daysa- year coroner and will gladly continue to serve in this capacity.