Sheriff hopefuls file new finance reports

Boyd leads all candidates in donations, spending

Candidates for Barry County sheriff have all filed July campaign finance reports, detailing their donations received and their spending through the second quarter of the year.

Candidates are listed in this report by the order of their report filing date, from earliest to most recent. The filings report receipts and expenditures from April 1 to June 30.

The committee McGuire for Barry County Sheriff, Karen Periman, of Cassville, as treasurer, supports Mike McGuire, of Cassville, current Cassville Police Department officer. McGuire suspended his campaign on June 26 due to time needed to recover from an April on-the-job shoulder injury.

He is not supporting another candidate and will remain on the ballot since the deadline to withdraw with a court order was June 11. While he is not actively campaigning, McGuire said he would accept the position should he be elected.

According to his report, dated July 15, the deadline to file the second quarter report, McGuire had $1,172.11 on hand on April 1. He received $1,890 and spent $2,574, leaving him with $487.31 as of June 30 and no indebtedness.

Donations to McGuire included: Barry County Abstract and Title Company, of Cassville, $500; Sarah Freitag, of Cassville, $300, and Larry Merritt, of Monett, $1,000. A total of $90 came from individuals giving $100 or less.

Expenditures under $100 included: $26.18, $47.66 and $79.20 for three event expense; $20 and $50 for two building rentals; and $20 for a botth rental.

Expenditures over $100, all of which are listed as paid, included: T-posts at Tractor Supply, $111.96; Fly Swatters from 4imprint, of Oshkosh, Wisc., $950.15; an event expense at Amazon, of Seattle, Wash., $109.65; signs from Adrenaline Apparel and Design, of Monett, $1,000; and donations at the Barry County Fair, based in Cassville, $150.

The Committee to Elect Randy Kalbaugh Sheriff, Dustin Edmondson, of Cassville, as treasurer, supports Randy Kalbaugh, current Stone County deputy.

Kalbaugh did not file a first-quarter campaign finance report in April. In his second-quarter report dated July 14, Kalbaugh reported no money on hand as of April 1. He received $580 in donations, plus $115 in in-kind contributions, and spent $169.60, leaving him with $410.40 as of June 30 and indebtedness of $5,189.75.

Donations to Kalbaugh included: Angela Kalbaugh, of Aurora, $200 in cash (received in the first filing period on March 15) and $115 in-kind; Randy Kalbaugh, of Aurora, $300. A total of $80 came from individuals giving $100 or less.

Expenditures under $100 include: $44.40 for T-posts; $75.20 for office supplies; $10 for a Barry County Fair entry; and $40 for a Purdy Festival entry.

Expenditures over $100, all of which are listed as incurred and not paid, include three purchases at Copy Cat Printing, of Cassville: $110.60 (in the first filing period on Feb. 9) for hand-out cards; $4,470.37 (in the first filing period on March 13) for signs, banners and handouts; and $608.78 for banners.

The committee James Morgan for Sheriff, Billie Reibert, of Cassville, as treasurer, supports candidate James Morgan, of Washburn, current captain of criminal investigations division at Delaware County Sheriff’s Office.

According to his report, dated July 12, Morgan had $7,690.38 on-hand on April 1. He received $5,160 in donations, plus $71.71 in in-kind contributions, and spent $6,776.79, leaving him with $6,073.59 as of June 30 and indebtedness of $1,300.

Donations to Morgan included: Clifford Ferguson, of Seligman, $40; Danny Holloway, of Cassville, $400; Latisha Creel, of Bella Vista, Ark., $500; Koby and Ivie Russell, of Grove, Okla., $2,500; James and Verna Lewis, of Washburn, $100; Gail Purvis, of Cassville, $100; Jamie Knight, of Cassville, $20; Richard Mitchell, of Washburn, $100; Todd Mitchell, of Washburn, $100; and Brigitta Vance, of Cassville, three in-kind donations totaling $71.71.

Morgan also listed a loan in the amount of $1,300 from James and Diana Morgan, with James Morgan listed as liable for the loan.

Expenditures under $100 included: $50 for building rent.

Expenditures over $100, all listed as paid, included: five purchases of campaign signs at Universal Signs, of Grove, Okla., totaling $2,516.79; building rental at the Shell Knob Community Center, of Shell Knob, $60; and band rental from Wayne Clevenger, of Verona, $350.

Morgan also listed two disbursements for “contribution made in error by a business,” which included $2,500 to K Russell Construction LLC and $1,300 to Grand Lake Dock Service.

The committee Danny Boyd for Sheriff, Debbie Gatley, of Cassville, as treasurer, supports incumbent Sheriff Danny Boyd, of Purdy.

According to his report, dates July 14, Boyd had $392.39 on hand as of April 1. He received $8,725 in donations, plus $240 in in-kind contributions, and spent $5,160.30, leaving him with $3,957.09 as of June 30 and indebtedness of $3,749.91.

Donations to Boyd included: Mike Clifton, of Cassville, $500; Brian Stehlik, of Cassville, $500; Mike Carr, of Cassville, $1,000; Joe Lester, of Seligman, two donations totaling $400; Estel Landreth, of Rogers, Ark., two donations totaling $1,000; Declare Glory, of Seligman, $500; Lyle and Mary Carey, of Fox Island, Wash., $100; Kimberly Rickman, of Wichita, Kan., $100; David and Emily Shonka, of Wichita, Kan., $100; Myrtle Kimble, of Cassville, $300; Phil Hutchens, of Cassville, $500; Chuck Horner, of Purdy, $300; Andy Reavis, of Cassville, two donations totaling $1,000; Vick England, of Eagle Rock, $250; Don England, of Eagle Rock, $100; Herb Primrose, of Cassville, $150; Clifford Ferguson, of Seligman, $100; Michael and Laura Niederee, of Winfield, Kan., $25; Noble Empire holdings, of Washburn, $300; Glen Cope, of Aurora, $400; Mike Rhein, of Cassville, $500; Boyd’s Pet Resort, of Purdy, $200; Big Bat’s Academy, of Purdy, $200; Danny Boyd, of Purdy, $50; Jack Lambeth, of Cassville, $150; and Julie Popanz, of Cassville, $240 in-kind.

Expenditures under $100 included: $20 for booth rental for county fair, $40 for booth rental at Purdy Festival, $53.11 for wristbands and $28.67 for zip ties.

Expenditures over $100, all listed as paid, included: banner from Cassville Girls Softball, of Cassville, $125; six purchases from Adrenaline Apparel, of Monett, for decals, hats, signs and shirts, totaling $7,613.43; booth fee to Monett Chamber of Commerce, of Monett, $140; sponsorship/ ad for Barry County Fair, based in Cassville, $500; advertising from Branson Tri-Lakes News, of Hollister, $240; and building rental for meet and greet from City of Monett, $150.

Boyd also listed a payment to Sam’s Club Mastercard, of Draper Utah, for signs totaling $600.

In total receipts this election, which include first-quarter donations and expenses, McGuire has taken in $12,480 and spent $10,392.60; Kalbaugh has taken in $695 and spent $5,359.35; Morgan has taken in $11,581.71 and spent $7,686.41; and Boyd has taken in $14,044.30 and spent $14,307.16.

Candidates are next required to file an election report 8 days before the election, due July 29, if the committee spent money for the election, as well as a 30 days after election report, due Sept. 5, if the committee spent money for the election.

Any individual or committee that receives a single contribution over $5,000 must electronically report the contribution to the Missouri Ethics Commission within 48 hours of receipt, and it must be included in the next filed report. Late filing results in $10 per day late fees.

Candidates must also file within 24 hours any late contribution or expenditure less than 12 days before the election.