Barry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken

July 29 – Aug. 4

The Barry County Sheriff’s Office responded to 221 calls for service for the week of July 29 to Aug. 4. The CAD events created by central dispatch are the Calls for Service Barry County Officers respond to every day, included in those calls are alarms, assaults, burglaries, domestic disturbances, DWI’s, stealing, harassment, medical issues, paper service, prisoner transports, suspicious persons, traffic stops and warrant service. Reports are not generated on all the calls for service. The following reports were generated from the above 221 calls:

07-29 Tampering 2nd Degree – Cassville

07-29 Vehicle Lockout – Monett

07-29 Towed Vehicle- Seligman

07-30 Tampering w/ Motor Vehicle – Exeter

07-30 Missing Person – Exeter

07-30 Missing Person-Washburn

07-31 Endanger Welfare Child – Purdy

07-31 Property Damage – Cassville

08-01 Stealing – Eagle Rock

08-01 Unlawful Possession of Firearm – Eagle Rock

08-01 Tampering with Motor Vehicle – Cassville

08-02 Fraudulent Use Credit Device – Cassville

08-02 Hindering Prosecution – Shell Knob

08-02 Vehicle Lockout – Cassville

08-02 Burglary 2nd Degree – Purdy

08-02 Mental Evaluation – Shell Knob

08-02 Domestic Disturbance – Cassville

08-03 Mental Evaluation – Golden

08-03 Domestic Disturbance – Shell Knob

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