Jon Horner: Flying with faith into uncharted territory

School has started for so many kiddos and school staff in our communities.

This brings excitement and also unchartered waters for many as they are about to open a new door in their life, whether it’s kids or school staff. Regardless of your age, there is that tendency to wonder about what is coming next in our lives, especially when starting something new.

I know that I have had those feelings many times in my life.

On the topic of unchartered waters and stepping out on faith, I saw that National Aviation Day was being celebrated this week. It was chosen for the birthday of Orville Wright, who as an aviation pioneer with his brother, invented, built, and flew the world’s first successful airplane.

As I got to thinking about the Wright Brothers and their amazing accomplishment, the faith and vision exhibited by the Wright Brothers had to have been incredible. They were definitely stepping out into unchartered territory and faith as they began their work to develop the first successful airplane.

I can’t imagine what their friends and family were saying to them as they were leading up to their historic day. The usual mix of encouragement and fear must have filled the air around them.

The obstacles that they overcame were enormous. I also can envision the concerns being voices by their loved ones. They had to have been genuinely concerned about what they were about to embark upon.

As we now know from our history books, the Wright Brothers continued to move forward toward their dream, their goal, and their vision of flying. And, as we know, they succeeded in ways they never imagined. They are examples of what can happen and be achieved when you step out into unchartered waters Because of their vision, determination, and faith in their plan, the world in which we live has been greatly impacted by the Wright Brothers’ plan for flight. I recently went on vacation and traveled over 900 miles in 90 minutes versus 13 hours by car, thanks to the Wright Brothers’ vision.

It’s easy to take their incredible works for granted. The delivery of the items we use for our homes and workplaces on an everyday basis are founded upon the events in Kitty Hawk, N.C., back in 1904. When you receive that Amazon package on your doorstep, the roots of the ability to arrive at your home or office so soon are founded upon the vision of Orville and Wilbur Wright.

So, what are some lessons to carry forth from the Wright Brothers?

The importance of perseverance and belief in your goal. I am confident that Orville and Wilbur were met with their share of naysayers, which have been around since the dawn of time. They must have heard the common lines of, “These guys are crazy. They need to get real jobs and quit this silly airplane stuff.”

Secondly, they met numerous challenges and setbacks, just like what we face in our lives. My Dad used to say, “Not every day is filled with sunshine.” But, on the cloudy days of our lives we continue to move forward. And, we do so with the faith that better days are ahead of us.

And, third, the Wright Brothers had the courage to continue with their mission when there was uncertainty.

On this note, how do we move forward in our lives when the future is cloudy or uncertain? I found one of my favorite quotes, which brings this home to me: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the decision to move forward despite it. It is the faith that whatever lies ahead, you have within you the strength and wisdom to face it. And it is the vision that, even if the path is unclear, there is something worth pursuing on the other side.”

This is very similar to the Wright Brothers. They definitely didn’t succeed on their first attempt at flight. However, just as we do in our lives, they had faith and continued toward their vision with the faith that they would reach their goal.

I’m sure that many students and staff will have times in their school year when their path is unclear. Remember, just like the Wright Brothers, when you believe in your goal or path, then you can move forward with the belief that there is definitely something incredible and worth pursuing on the other side.

Jon Horner is a local community bank president, published author, newspaper columnist, and motivational speaker. He can be reached at

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