SLUDGE drops lawsuit against DNR

On Sept. 9, the citizens’ group SLUDGE, LLC (Stop Land Use Damaging Our Ground and Environment) voluntarily dismissed its lawsuit against the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

“We [originally] brought about our suit because the DNR was not making Denali have the proper permits to operate the waste lagoons in Newton and McDonald County,” said spokesperson Vallerie Steele in a post made on the group’s Facebook page.

Steele said because of the new regulations passed in Mo. House Bill 2134/1956, they are dismissing their suit.

“[The DNR is] not issuing permits for Denali to use the lagoons; they are making them empty and haul away the waste; and they are not allowing it be spread in Missouri,” Steele said. “We see this as a huge win, one that we could not have [accomplished] without a lot of hard work from our committee and support from our community..

“Going forward, there is still much work to be done. Legislation that passed this year was a good start, but by no means a resolution.”

Steele said the group will be focusing on ways to keep out-of-state sludge waste of any kind from being spread in Missouri.

“Missouri has been turned into a dumping ground for the benefit of keep other states clean and free of pollution from harmful waste – for the financial benefit of the waste-hauling companies,” Steele said.

The majority of the food-processing waste and biosolids being applied to Missouri land is from out of state, Steele said.

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