Cassville wins speech and debate awards

In November, 14 members of the Cassville High School speech and debate team competed at the Marion C Early tournament.

Cassville competed against 18 schools and received third place in team sweepstakes.

‘We are very proud of everyone who went,’ said Gracie Maher, Cassville sophomore. ‘Twenty-two members broke into semi-finals.’

Result included:

• Ayla Roberts — 2nd place in Original Oratory (10 minute memorized persuasive speech about a topic of orator’s choice)

• Kyle Bailey — 4th place in Poetry Reading (reader’s own interpretation on a poem of the reader’s choice)

• Kyle Bailey and Jaret Hinson — 4th place in DUO Interpretation (10 minute partner acting scene)

• Jaret Hinson — 5th place in extemporaneous speaking (drawing a random topic and having 30 minutes to prepare a 7 minute speech about said topic)

• Kim Hang — 5th place in POl (a program of oral interpretation of thematically-linked selections chosen from two or three genres: prose, poetry and drama plays)

• David Rehbach — 6th place in Radio Speaking (5 minute live broadcast on current events)