Through the Years, Jan. 29

50 years ago

Feb. 5, 1975

— Critical Time For Fescue; Buyers Will Be Operating

Sources close to a major fescue seed buying company in this area, reported this week that firm plans are being made for all four of their buying stations to be in operation this summer. An official of Pennington Seed Co. of Madison, Ga. said the stations at Washburn, Purdy, Pierce City and Stark City would definitely be buying southwest Missouri fescue seed from growers during the 1975 season. Market price for the product will be set at the time of the harvest, which usually is in full swing on July 4. Upwards of 10 million pounds have been purchased in the county in good seasons. Last year the Cassville Chamber of Commerce proclaimed this area as the Fescue Capital of the United States in a festival that-was sponsored by agri-business firms here and the Pennington company. The Washburn, Pierce City and Stark City stations are owned by Pennington. The Purdy location is at Purdy Farm Center, operated by Bill Davis and Rex Henderson. A possible boost to seed production in the area came recently when fertilizer prices dropped about 10%. While availability was not at its strongest point, the slight dip in prices comes at a time when seed producers need to fertilize their acreage to gain maximum production this summer. Most ag interests say February is the best time to make fertilizer applications to obtain the best seed production and side benefits of fescue. In 1973 the price for fescue seed at markets here ranged between nine and 13 cents a pound. Last season the range was between 12 and 15 cents. Independent buyers in the area include United Seed Company of Rogers, Ark. with stations at Exeter and Midway and L. H. Green Seed Company of Lockwood. Allman Produce of Wheaton is also a buyer as are some MFA facilities. According to information here, Pennington was buying cleaned and bagged seed on the current market at 18 cents a pounds. Average yields two years ago ran about 700 pounds per acre. The 1974 average harvest was near 500 pounds due to a late freeze and moisture conditions during critical growing periods. Production highs have hit near 1,000 pounds an acre, in relation to fertilizer programs. Soils in Barry County are well adapted to production of fescue, which produces seed, hay and grazing as a threeway crop. Suggestions of agri-business regarding fescue pro- duction is that maintenance fertilization, between 200 and 300 pounds per acre, will produce a good seed crop, provide good haying and keep pasture features of the grass in good condition. Soil testing in advance of fertilizer applications is an important factor stressed by agri-business leaders.

— $26 Million County Share of Fed. Budget

Missouri taxpayers must provide $7.5 billion as their share of the cost of the federal budget sent to Congress today, Missouri Public Expenditure Survey reported. That is more than three times the $2.2 billion state budget submitted to the legislature last month. Total federal expenditure proposed for the fiscal year beginning July 1 are $349.4 billion, and revenues are estimated at $297.5 billion, leaving a deficit of $51.9 billion. That is the largest peacetime deficit in the nation’s history, the survey said, and it may be larger. It assumes Congress will go along with the $17 billion in spending hold-downs proposed by the President, as well as his energy proposals. Barry County’s share of the cost of the federal budget will be about $26.0 million, the Survey said. It based its calculations on the proportion of personal income in each Missouri county. The size and frequency of federal deficits is a matter of increasing concern, the sur-’ vey said. The $51.9 billion deficit for the coming fiscal year follows a deficit for the current fiscal year now estimated to be $34.7 billion and is greater than total federal budget expenditures in 1950. Missouri’s share of the federal budget is computed at 2.15 per cent of the total cost, based on a formula developed and refined over a number of years by Tax Foundation.

40 years ago

Feb. 6, 1985

— Rainbow Motel Sold To Colorado Couple

The 16-unit Rainbow Motel in Cassville has been purchased by a Bailey, Colorado couple. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Strickland have taken possession of the west Cassville business. Mary Ann James, broker for Land Baron and Co., said Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eads, former owners, would be returning to Marshall, to make their home. They purchased the property in September, 1983. The Stricklands plan an extensive remodeling and up-dating of facilities. Included in the purchase was a residence and swimming pool. Strickland, a professional race driver for 21 years, has been associated in construction company operations in Arizona for the past four years. Their plans also include involvements in raising quarter horses. Rainbow Motel is located on old Highway 37 in the west part of Cassville. It is adjacent to Rainbow Dinner House, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Denny Jackson.

— School Bond Issues Passed At Cassville And Wheaton

After multi-tries in each district, Cassville and Wheaton school bond issues gained voter approval in special elections Tuesday. Cassville, trying for the second time to approve a $400,000 classroom expansion issue, got 666 yes votes, compared to 298 no ballots. Wheaton, trying for the third time to approve an issue, got 497 yes ballots and 166 agains. Each gained the required twothirds majority, Cassville by a 23 vote cushion, Wheaton by a 55 ballot majority. Wheaton’s previous defeats were in March by 33 votes and November by 26. Cassville, voting last August, fell 16 yes votes short of the required plurality. Superintendent Dan Bailey said the R-4 board of education planned to proceed immediately with final classroom drawings. He said construction could begin in May with the additional elementary and middle school classrooms becoming available in late fall. Charles Cudney, superintendent of the Wheaton district, said the board there would proceed with architect drawings of final plans to have additions and improvements underway as soon as possible. Under existing tax structures, the Cassville issue carries a 25 cent tax increase. Wheaton’s program proposed a 31 cent tax increase. Cassville voters cast a total of 964 votes, giving the issue a .6908 percent approval, about three percent over the requirement. The total vote represented 18 percent of the total 5,211 registered voters in the district. Wheaton, casting a total of 663 votes, did better on voter turnout, getting 59 percent of their 1,117 registered voters to the polls. polling places for their election, Cassville in the Barry County courthouse and Wheaton in their community center. Voters in Cassville cast 27 absentees, 16 of them in favor of the issue. Wheaton cast 15 absentees, 11 of these in the yes column. Cassville’s widespread district, reaching from the Arkansas line in the Golden area to Butterfield to the north, gave voters a challenge in getting to the polls under extreme slick rural roads. County Commissioner Rex Stumpff, the county’s chief election official, said Tuesday night’s unofficial results would be checked by his office in an official poll of the election beginning Wednesday morning. He said election officials in the two communities conducted the balloting in extremely good manner. Next elections in Barry County will be municipal, district, road and school balloting on Tuesday, April 2. This trip to the polls will be county wide according to Stumpff.

30 years ago

Jan. 25, 1995

— People Number Gain Continues On Increase Southwest

Missouri counties, including Barry, continue to lead Missouri in population growth percentages according to projections of the Office of Administration in Jefferson City. The region is posting a 7.4 percent increase, compared to 3.1 for the state and 4.7 for the nation. During the period from April 1990 census to July 1994, Barry County posted an increase in people numbers at 2,76l. That represented a 10 percent increase from population figures that are now five years old that set the county’s numbers at 27,962. That would make the current population stand at 30,723. The population jump has county officials wondering what effect the increases might have on budget items. Reaching certain population levels in Missouri triggers additional judicial personnel, some statutory salary increases and most usually necessitates capitol improvements to provide office spaces. In the meantime, adjoining county numbers that were under Barry County in percentage of increase included, McDonald 7.2, Newton 5.5, Lawrence 3.8. Next door counties that were above Barry in percentages of increase included Stone 25.7 and Taney 21.4. Christian county, benefitting from Springfield-Branson growths, posted another large increase at 24.3 percent. Census figures from 1990 and additions that could be recommended by the Office of Administration in Jefferson City included numbers: McDonald 17,103 plus 1,214 at 7.2 percent; Lawrence 30,522 plus 1,137 at 3.8 percent; Stone 19,817 plus 4,896 at 25.7 percent; Taney 26,493 plus 5,475 at 21.4 percent and Newton 45,053 plus 2,426 at 5.5 percent. Outside the areas of growth associated with the Branson entertainment areas, Barry County’s growth continue at a steady, moderate pace. Population watchers in this area say part of the growth has continued to be persons in retirement coming to the Ozarks. Others are noting an influx of persons from California. Some growth in Table Rock Lake communities has resulted from persons moving from fast growing communities in Stone and Taney counties. Growth figures are reflected in school district growths as five of seven districts are either completing or planning additional classrooms that will be available next year.

— Shell Knob Asks For Second Issue In Three Years

Growth of the Shell Knob school district enrollment has prompted the Table Rock Lake community to call for a classroom addition bond issue in the April 4 election. The plan of asking for $500,000, comes just slightly over two years after the district built an $840,000 gym, music, art, library and classroom addition. Principal Bill Hadlow said petition processes are also proceeding to vote on transfer of 8,000 acres from the Reeds Spring district to Shell Knob. The area involved in not immediately accessible to the Stone county district with students attending Shell Knob on a tuition payment. Plans for the new building program call for no increase to the 53-cent debt service levy that 1s due to expire in 2006. Approval of the bonds will permit lease-purchase of the facility. Always growing pupil numbers at the Shell Knob have 29 new students this year, bringing them to a present total of 226. Eight new classrooms in the pro-gram, probably used for junior high, would care for growth factors for sometime. Shell Knob sends high school pupils to Cassville and Blue Eye. Involved in the project is a 12,000 square foot addition with working plans anticipated in February, indicating the plan has been under consideration for some-time. The land-area change would move the acres east of Shell Knob into the Barry County district, eliminating about 90 minutes travel to the Stone County district. For about 10 years, the state of Missouri has assigned students on the west side of Table Rock to the Shell Knob district with Reeds Spring providing tuition. Acceptance of the boundary change would transfer the taxable property to Shell Knob. Pupil growth in Barry County is much in evidence, Cassville is about to complete a new high school structure, Southwest of Washburn and Exeter joining Shell Knob in going into planning stages for classroom expansions.