January 2025

Through the Years, Jan. 29

30 YEARS AGO: METHODS OF REMOVING SNOW — The order of the day beginning Thursday morning was getting snow from some unwanted places. In the instances shown here, the places were parking lots, entrances to businesses and sidewalks at county offices. In the photo at left, Lonnie Yarnall uses one piece of snow removal equipment that was made available for some of the smaller parking lots that contracted for the service. In the middle, John Starchman makes the wet snow fly with a snow shovel, accomplishing the entrances of a couple of businesses. At the right, Johnny Gautney of the courthouse staff, puts a new snow blower, belonging to the county, to the task of clearing side-walks. For large locations and heavier tasks, there was equipment of about every description and horsepower up and down the roads, streets and parkways of the area. Many of the earlier removal chores were accomplished while it was still snowing. Sunshine and traffic both hitting major roads and streets later Thursday morning helped eliminate much of the cover. Rural roads were another problem after they drifted to depths of six feet in some locations. Democrat file photo
Read MoreThrough the Years, Jan. 29

Bird’s eye view

Bald eagles can be found at Roaring River State Park currently. Two eagles were spotted on Friday afternoon, one across the river from the CCC Lodge, and a second in Zone 3 across the river from the pollinator area. On Saturday, the Roaring River Nature Center will host an event for visitors to learn all about bald eagles and search for these magnificent birds along Roaring River. More information may be found at: https://mostateparks.com/event/108101/bald-eagle-days. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com
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Sheriff: ‘We’re fully staffed’

Following an election year with a new jail under construction, Sheriff Danny Boyd said his Office is hitting the ground running in 2025. Staving off challengers in a four-candidate race — ultimately winning the August Primary Election by 48 votes among more than 6,000 after a hand and machine recount — Boyd said for the next four years in office, transparency and increasing service are his key goals.
Read MoreSheriff: ‘We’re fully staffed’