News Briefs, Feb. 5
NSDAR recognizing Bishoff, giving 2 scholarships
The Alexander McNair Chapter of the National Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution will hold an awards ceremony at its monthly meeting on Feb. 8 at 10 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Monett, with Chapter Regent Maaella Blalock opening the meeting. Murray Bishoff will be honored for his service to the community, and two students, Rebecca Swanpoel and Simon Gates, will be awarded the Good Citizens Award Scholarship. Swanepoel is a student at Southwest High School, and Gates attends Cassville High School. The Patriot of the Month, Matthew Wilson, will be acknowledged, and the Church will be presented a U.S. Flag for patriotic service.
Women’s Veterans Meet-Up on Feb. 12
There will be a Women Veterans Meet-Up on Feb. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Monett Branch Library, located at 2200 Park St., with the theme of “Game Night.” For more information, people may call Janyce at 417-489-2884.
VFW Auxiliary Lunch schedule delivered
The VFW Post 4207 Auxiliary will host lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. twice monthly through April, with all meals priced at $8. Each meal includes a salad, dessert and coffee, tea or water (soda is for sale). Meals may be preordered by calling the VFW at 417-235-8394. The Feb. 19 meal is beef stroganoff, buttered noodles, steamed broccoli and a slice of fresh baked bread. The March 5 meal is corned beef with cabbage, boiled potatoes and carrots, and cornbread.
First Christian Church hosting event
First Christian Church in Monett will host a free community event, “Be prepared before the ambulance arrives,” on Feb. 27 from 4-6 p.m. The speaker is Pastor Bob Simpson, and information will be presented by Cpt. Casey Christiansen, with emergency kits provided by Thrivent and First Christian Church. Attendees should use the church’s side entrance on East Wishart Street.
Monett Futbol Club looking for players
Monett Futbol Club is looking to add players and goalkeepers to its winter season teams. The Club is for youth born in 2014-2016. For more information, people may message Monett Futbol Club on Facebook or call or text 417-393-8696. Monett Futbol Club’s mission is to promote the game of soccer and develop young athletes mentally and physically by stressing preparation, teamwork, strong values, skill building and healthy competition.
100+ Women Who Care meeting on Feb. 6
The 100+ Women Who Care in Barry and Lawrence counties will host its quarterly meeting on Feb. 6 at the Monett Historical Society, located at 420 E. Broadway in Monett. Social hour is from 6-7 p.m., and the meeting will begin at 6:45-7 p.m. Food and drinks are provided. All women must donate at least $100 during the previous meeting to nominate and vote for the current quarter winner (About $8 a week). In order to do this, women may donate online within that window and present the donation at the May meeting, donate with a check and show a receipt, or donate the night of the event by 6:30 p.m. online or via check at the door. Donations may be made online at, or by mail: Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Attention: 100 Women Barry/Law Counties, 425 E. Trafficway St., Springfield, MO 65806. Those who wish to attend and have a Facebook account should RSVP to the event. Steering committee volunteer positions are also open. To qualify, a woman must attend all four quarterly meetings per year and donate at each.
3rd Annual Chili/Soup Cook-off on Jan. 18
The 3rd Annual Chili/Soup Cook-off, hosted by VWF Post No. 4207 Tom Wolfe Memorial, is set for Jan. 18 beginning at noon. All entries are $20, and there is a $5 entry fee to taste all cili and soups. Along with trophies, the first place chili and soup winners will receive $75 each, and runners-up will receive $50 each. A $30 gift card will also be awarded for People’s Choice chili or soup. Doors open at noon, and judging is at 1 p.m. Entry forms will be available at the VFW, located at 5400 West Hwy. 60, on the day of the event at 11 a.m.,m and participants should be signed in at that time. For more information, people may call 417-235-8394.
Publisher’s note: Do you have an event coming up? Publish it free in news briefs by emailing