Purdy High School celebrated Homecoming on Feb. 4, earning a 53-49 victory over Southwest. This year’s Homecoming Court featured the following representatives from each class: seniors Marlene Villa and Jackson Hillburn; juniors Lauren Brooks and Aldo Perez; sophomores Lizett Aldava and Jayden Griffis; and freshmen Kenzi Postlewait and Charles Barnes. Crown Bearers for the evening were Emmett Burnside and Kodi Postlewait. Between the junior varsity and varsity games, Purdy High School crowned Villa its 2025 Homecoming Queen, and Perez was crowned Mr. Tip-Off. Front row, from left: Kodi Postlewait and Burnnside. Second row: Kenzie Postlewait, Aldava, Brooks and Villa. Back row: Barnes, Griffis, Perez and Lee. Contributed photo