Nathan Toon: Like Peter on the water

Recently, things have begun to change in my life and those around me.

I can sense a call for faith to be tested and for obedience to heed that call. This specific instance has caused me to recollect Peter and how he was called out onto the water by Jesus.

How often do we see God move on our behalf and then fail to follow through in faith? That’s what happened to Peter, and before we go pointing fingers at his unbelief, let’s look at our own circumstances.

We find the story of Peter in Mark and John, as well, but let us focus now on Matthew 14:22-33. In this passage, we see that the disciples have been sent off ahead of Jesus on a boat. Jesus has taken to the mountain once more to pray.

While on the mountain, he sees them in this storm and heads down to meet them on the other side.

When they see him, they all begin to be filled with fear. Jesus did not intend to stop, because if they were afraid of the storm, they could have calmed it like he did in Chapter 8.

We know how the rest goes: Peter tries Jesus by having him call him onto the water, Peter walks a bit on the water and sinks, Jesus saves him and gets in the boat.

I want to point out that not hours ago, they were able to feed 5,000 with a few fish and loaves of bread. This should have been the highest point of their faith right here. However, they still failed the test.

Peter, having tested Jesus, has walked a few feet out on the water but began to doubt due to overwhelming fear. I have to say, at least he got out of the boat. He took the first steps that many of us would never have.

Look at this scripture today and ask yourself, “Where have I been asked to get out of the boat?”

Let us walk in faith and in genuine obedience to what God has called us to do.

Do not fear our circumstances that surround us, but keep your eyes on Jesus.

Nathan Toon is the pastor at Resurrection Church, located at 19320 State Highway 112 in Cassville. He may be reached at 417-200-2346.

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