FEMA updating county Flood Insurance Rate Map

90-day appeal period began Feb. 19

The update to the Flood Insurance Rate Map for Barry County is nearing completion.

The new maps will provide communities in Barry County with up-to-date flood risk information and tools that can be used to enhance local mitigation plans, and help local officials and residents make informed decisions about reducing flood risks and purchasing flood insurance.

The local mapping project is part of a nationwide effort led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to increase local knowledge of flood risks and support actions to address and reduce those risks. The work in Barry County has been led by the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), in partnership with local community officials.

A 90-day appeal period will be provided during which property owners and lessees could provide additional data for consideration.

During the past couple of years, community officials throughout the county have worked closely with SEMA to ensure the floodplain maps provide an accurate picture of flood risks. This information will ensure that homes and businesses are insured appropriately against flooding, while also helping to make more informed decisions about how to protect Barry County from what might otherwise be devastating flood events.

Barry County officials encourage property owners and lessees to review the proposed Flood Insurance Rate Map to learn about local flood risks and potential future flood insurance requirements, and to identify any concerns or questions about the information provided.

The new map is still a preliminary version. Barry County officials encourage property owners and lessees to review the proposed Flood Insurance Rate Map to learn about local flood risks and potential future flood insurance requirements, and to identify any concerns or questions about the information provided.

If anyone sees incorrect information that does not involve changing the flood hazard- related information – such as a missing or misspelled road name or an incorrect corporate boundary – they may submit a written correction, or “comment.”

If anyone believes the modeling or data used to cre- ate the map is technically or scientifically incorrect, they may submit an appeal, which must include technical information, such as hydraulic or hydrologic data, to support the claim. Because submitting an appeal requires some time and effort, FEMA encourages property owners and lessees to review the updated flood maps now to determine if they are interested in pursuing this option.

If anyone is interested in submitting a comment or appeal, FEMA highly recommends that they first discuss it with the local floodplain administrator so they can provide guidance on the process.

Appeals must be submitted through the local floodplain administrator/ contact information. For more details on this process, people may visit www.FEMA.gov.

The new Flood Insurance Rate Map becomes effective in spring 2026, a date subject to change pending completion of the final review process.

To view the preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map, people may visit https://msc.fema.gov. for general mapping questions, people may contact Sydney Roberts at sydney.roberts@sema.dps.mo.gov.