The Barry County Master Gardeners are hosting their annual spring garden workshop, “Let’s Get Growing!” on March 29 at First Baptist Church Family Life Center in downtown Cassville.
The event will feature four speakers, snacks and door prizes. Master Gardener Skip Easter
holds a degree in forest resource management and became an ISA Certified Arborist in 1996.
In 2002, Easter received the Forest Conservationist of the Year Award from the Missouri Conservation Federation. She lives near Cassville on her own certified tree farm. Easter will be discussing insects and diseases that can be harmful to trees.
Cathy Preator took her first master gardener class 5 years before she retired from a 35-year career at Shell Oil Company in Texas. During 9 years in the Texas Master Gardeners program, she managed a green
house for their group and taught horticultural therapy to rehab patients at an on-site green
house at a hospital. Preator continues her love of greenhouses with her own home greenhouse
and sharing her knowledge with others. She will present information on Home and Hobby Greenhouses.
Matthew Huchteman will discuss growing the best vegetables for preserving and freezing. Huchteman recently came to the University of Missouri Extension Office in Jasper County, where he serves as a
Field Specialist in Horticulture. He will also be the agent who works directly with the Barry County Master Gardeners group.
Eden Stewart will continue the group’s education on vegetables with her presentation of Canning Produce 101. She will introduce the equipment and supplies that are needed to preserve vegetables for consumption in those months when quality fresh garden produce is not available. Stewart is also
part of University of Missouri Extension and serves as a health and nutrition specialist.
Those wishing to experience this learning opportunity are encouraged to preregister with the Barry County Extension by email at or by phone at 417-847-3161. The charge for those who pre-register is $10, which may be paid in advance or at the door.
Walk-ins are welcome and will pay $12. Doors will open at 9 a.m.